Yes, they are all oriented demons.

They'd freak out if they ever played through Assassin's Creed. What with you assassinating Bishops and stuff and beating up the Pope in a fistfight... or maybe they wouldn't mind, since Assassin's Creed's story only mentions Catholics.
We know you like where it's going. All my threads always go somewhere AWESOME, you should have known that by now.
We know you like where it's going. All my threads always go somewhere AWESOME, you should have known that by now.
Not that way, I like where its going because this thread is a car, filled with explosives, and it is on a road, a long road, at the end of that road is a wall, a wall of explosives and bullshit. That is why I like where this thread is going.
I am pretty much Agnostic with a hint of Atheism, I can turn into an Atheist due to my temper when people try to shove their beliefs down my throat, kinda like Godlib's father, who is a Lutheran Pastor. I know many people from his church who are very faithful, but not crazy. I know other people who have different faiths that are extremely insane when it comes to worshiping but they change when they are not in church. So guess I can say I have seen both sides of the fence...
being a christian here, yay!
why? because jesus was awesome. he didn't give a F about what people did to him. and he made wine out of water.

but seriously, I don't go to church alot, neither do I believe there are more rules beside the 10 thingies.. forgot the word.
(silly rules like: you can't walk more than so many meters on a sunday. made by silly priests who died a long time ago :3)
it's all about loving and caring for other people who need it <3

i think god prefers you working in africa, doing shizzle to help them. rather then going to church every week

the way all other forums derail:
proper discussion about something to random pics and trolls

the way team9000 derails:
random pics and trolls to a proper discussion about something

the way all other forums derail:
proper discussion about something to random pics and trolls

the way team9000 derails:
random pics and trolls to a proper discussion about something

Well its a topic about religion. It is obviously gonna go somewhere to where someone is going to make that 1 comment that pisses off a very religious person and then the whole thread gets fus ro dah'ed off the rail.