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Zone11: Plans, Ideas, Discussion, Suggestions

How about if I made a video of the servers progression and posted it on youtueb for all to enjoy, we could also feature some buids ect on it too?

Sorry for the bad spelling I'm just in from a bowling match in a torrential downpour and I can hardly feel my fingers
Rollcast - that would be an awesome idea - if you could do that, I will be well interested in seeing it.

I suppose we could hold elections for mayor. But why? Until I feel that someone has the sufficient qualifications for the job I am afraid I will not pass the reigns over.
Some of my build ideas:
1. Gas station + my own house
2. Car parking structure
3. Large scale hotel/resort facilities (Kind of like those found in Cancun etc,)
I think it would be a good idea to have an election for mayor every month or so. I have no idea who would count up the votes but someone could build the white house or something and people could go to places to vote. I know I'm not a zone 11 citizen but i was just looking around and had a thought.
If you did have an elected mayor, they could then decide what else the zone needed and whether anything needed taking away or tearing down

Sheder09 ;)
Rollcast - that would be an awesome idea - if you could do that, I will be well interested in seeing it.

I suppose we could hold elections for mayor. But why? Until I feel that someone has the sufficient qualifications for the job I am afraid I will not pass the reigns over.

I don't think having a Mayor would be a good idea. From my experience; when you go talking about assigning positions of power and voting and whatnot, you only get disaggreements and aggro. In theory, it's a good idea. But in practice - it won't work.
More to the point - it would be hard to find anyone more dedicated to Zone11 than 'Juco. To be quite honest, I wouldn't listen to anyone other than Juco (or the admins) in terms of Zone11, and I wouldn't expect people to be different if, for example, I was elected Mayor.

Keep it simple; we are lucky enough to already have a functioning power system in Zone11. It's quite idyllic how everything has panned out. Let's not disturb this balance we have.
i could build i nice cinema possibly with more than one theatre, it would also include the candy counter, the ticket booths and possibly even a display board with the movies playing on it. (only if i had the room for the display board though). I also think we could do with more cars on the road, a fire department, and a police station. With the fire department having a boos or chief and the police station having a sherrif.
-Radio tower
-Radio station :)
-Satelite(s) (dish)
-Water tower
-Nuclear plant
-Car Lot

gotta think practicality, howz the city gonna run? :)
I'd also like to start on a factory along the water in G, K, or N. My day (and often times) night job is in a factory that manufactures steam turbines. I've also visited several more and have a good feel for what they look like. Maybe I'll knock one up in Cool50 while there's still some room.... Do I need a special permit for this?
Maybe not soon, but I'd like to put up an airship and docking tower over by the airport. Heck, get really crazy and exhume the original plans for the Empire State building that had an airship dock at the top.

Better still, park the ship near the top of the airspace right over the center of the map and set the passenger lounge as the spawn point. It would afford an even better view than the dam and would be a pretty cool way to enter the map.
trolling is allowed
but keep it under control.
How about a few fast food restraunts. I've already built a mcdonalds. It's across the street from a gym and pizza parlour. Im not really sure what i can build in certain areas sometimes.
I'd also like to start on a factory along the water in G, K, or N. My day (and often times) night job is in a factory that manufactures steam turbines. I've also visited several more and have a good feel for what they look like. Maybe I'll knock one up in Cool50 while there's still some room.... Do I need a special permit for this?

That sounds like a good idea. Have a look at Juco's plans, and try and build it in one of the 'industrial' areas.

Maybe not soon, but I'd like to put up an airship and docking tower over by the airport. Heck, get really crazy and exhume the original plans for the Empire State building that had an airship dock at the top.

Better still, park the ship near the top of the airspace right over the center of the map and set the passenger lounge as the spawn point. It would afford an even better view than the dam and would be a pretty cool way to enter the map.

That sounds good - both ideas. I think it would be EPIC if the spawn point was in the passenger lounge of the blimp... Perhaps Guests could skydive out from the blimp down into the dam? We could have them land on that island that's in the middle of the lower dam.
A thread dedicated to pictures of new builds. Just some place to show off. It'd be good if someone higher up here could kick it off to make it more official.
Its called the Museum Thread Zeppflyer, and its fliipin huge, I aint going thru it. I suggest just making one of your own perhaps. I am always interested in seeing other peoples talents.