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Zone11: Plans, Ideas, Discussion, Suggestions

Juco did designate areas like that. In particular, area Z is supposed to be the really expensive area reserved for only Juco and his closest 'playars'. I'd wait for his judgement on anything.
Could zone11 use some government buildings?

My parliament building in cool42, though very large (190x190), has very good architecture and design and has two massive empty courtyards that people could apply to build in, because the actual parliament building in London has smaller buildings in the two court yards i made.

If there is room for it anywhere on the map, please consider it! Maybe Casey could open the world to let people view the build i am referring to!
Could zone11 use some government buildings?

My parliament building in cool42, though very large (190x190), has very good architecture and design and has two massive empty courtyards that people could apply to build in, because the actual parliament building in London has smaller buildings in the two court yards i made.

If there is room for it anywhere on the map, please consider it! Maybe Casey could open the world to let people view the build i am referring to!

I hope he does open that world. I have a build in there too I want to get at.
You can go to any old world to look using:


Just change the world name.

Okay, so I have built a design of a truck that I believe has the potential to be fairly versatile in the sense that becasue of the size and the design of the truck it could possibly be used in other thing. I have made the truck into a pickup truck, and I have made it pulling a mobile home (both in my giant room btw, in Fun world).

Because the roads of the streets in Zone11 are 3 blocks wide, and my truck is four blocks wide, would I be allowed to take my truck/trucks and make a sort of rest stop or trailer park type of thing? You know, instead of trying to put a truck that is at least four blocks wide at all times, no matter what design i make, on a three block wide road; that wouldn't turn out so well.

Tell me what you think of this possible idea.:thumbsup:
make a sort of rest stop or trailer park type of thing?
Hey Creator,:thumbsup: ....Those Trucks are awesome!!

I built a small trailer park, think last week or so, and had quite some difficulties to make it look, more or less realistic.
While i'm 100% sure your trailers would look way better, for some regions they'd be the same hight as some 2storey-builds .

What about building a coal or marble-mine, places where they usually use bigger trucks n stuff?
Those trucks definitely need to be somewhere in the zone:)

*Only some thoughts
I seriously love how the zone looks, how you guys manage to get that much detail into your builds is beyond me.
/me tips his hat to all of you