WWII Discussion Thread

That's a funny one, and this is why I like to have a discussion about this.

And that's not the case:

Vorsprung Explanation of Events:
Basically we Aussies are all massively hung over, and then the Japanese run outta Pokemon, so they start taking over Indonesia and shit. And we're like, "Oh fuck, we're screwed." So we're like, "Yeah, you guys can have the top half, we keep the bottom, shit's kewl." But then we're like, "Fuck that, we're champs, let's kill the fuckers.". So we all grab guns and sticks and get on boats and go to islands in the Pacific. We do some hiking in PNG and die a lot, but we kill a gigantic amount of Japanese. Then the US rock up, and they're like, "'Sup mang, we're just gonna sit in Darwin and then go shoot some things." And we're like, "Shit's kewl." And then all the American soldiers eat our food and fuck our women, and then go all wingman with their Aussie buddies and kill some Axis fuckers. Then they invent a bomb and drop it on Japan, and Australia just high fives the US, and then we eat bacon.
Eh, close enough.
Soviet Experiment. Get it right.
Also, this is not all that amazing to a extent. Granted at the time a amazing achievement. But this is possible today just would not ever be done due to the amount of failure it would have and it is basically killing something for no reason.
yes i know it was soviet once germany found out about it well then they tried it
Here's a new topic:

4: Admire how fucking badass Australia was in WWII.

Badass? Australia never even came under attack in WWII due to the geographical location. You guys just sent a few troops to other countries. Which is cool I guess.

Edit: Okay, you ninja'd me. I guess you have a few valid reasons.

Badass? Australia never even came under attack in WWII due to the geographical location. You guys just sent a few troops to other countries. Which is cool I guess.
Not exactly true. While it's true neither Japanese nor Axis troops made it to the mainland, we were under significant threat from Japan. Our close proximity to them was enough to cause fear. But on top of that, Japan had occupied the majority of the Pacific, including parts of Indonesia and PNG. It was only due to the valiant efforts of Australian troops (with some American help) that we weren't fucked over. No joke, the Australian government was prepared to forfiet the top half of the country to the Japanese. (It was called "The Brisbane Line".)
You also were all

"Hey guys, beach part in Normandy? Hell yeah we'll bring the beer and barbeque!!"

like a boss.
I can understand Vorsprungs joking as he is making actual sense but could you at least post something that is beneficial and not something random?
I would like this thread to be some bit serious...
rsmv2you said:
1. I didn't say anything about this. I simply come to peace with these things and dont over think them. If one is to point out that such things like this are flawed then they should point out all of humanity and rant as to what should be and should not. Perfection is far from a thing to come by and is a word that is non existent when it comes to rules and or war. However, the rules we have now are as close to what is needed.
Ummm, you said,

We wrote the rules, and we follow and break them. When we break those rules and that is through the form of killing then yes it is wrong, in the sense or the manner of how they were killed

Paraphrased: "Killing in war is wrong when we break the rules of war that define the methodology of killing."

Then I said that these "rules" are basically impossible to be perfect.

Then you said,

If one is to point out that such things like this are flawed then they should point out all of humanity and rant as to what should be and should not. Perfection is far from a thing to come by and is a word that is non existent when it comes to rules and or war. However, the rules we have now are as close to what is needed.

Yes, I know perfection is a "hard thing to come by" since we're all imperfect people. My point isn't that humanity is imperfect, but that their rules of war can't possibly be perfect because of our imperfections... which begs the question whether killing in war can be right or justifiable.

rsmv2you said:
2. You took my broad statement to far. I was referring to 3 and 2 as a whole but I was stating my original point. However, yes it does matter how one is killed but like I said, when it comes down to the 2 men on battlefield that view of killing could vary from the man dying in the most humane way possible that exists in war to a man being shot in every non fatal spot and simply dying a slow painful death. Humane is not a word that factors into war well and humane is justified by the rules that are set and like you said the people that wrote these rules are not perfect and therefore nothing could be justified as humane but, I come to peace with these things so I judge it like it is.

I'm only looking at this from what you've told me. You said,

Also the way you kill the man is not much the factor of where its humane or not.

If there was a double or hidden meaning in there you can't possibly expect me to find it, lol.

I find no disagreement with the rest of your point. Thanks for clarifying.

rsmv2you said:
3. Like I said before, taking my broad simple statement way to far. I am stating from man to man. You take my statement and apply it to all war. Please limit what I say to a subject and not a whole topic in general.

Again, I'm only going by what you said. Maybe I applied "all of war" incorrectly going directly off your statement, but it's still relevant, as all of war is fought "man to man".

My point is that if "superiority", whether it be, as you said, "will power, skill, and his courage and/or strength" makes a killing right or justifiable, then any killing, as long as one man is "better" at destroying his opponent, is right or justifiable.

- - -

So we don't have future misunderstandings, I would be glad if you answered my 3 criteria in post #30 with either easily identifiable positions such as "yes", "no", or "I do not know yet".

Remember, this is a learning experience for both of us.

Peace. :)
One of the people that tried to assassinate Hitler from within the Nazi organization. One of my favorite WWII History subjects.
Operation Valkyrie.
1943 If my memory serves right. Planted a bomb next to hitler and simply placing it on the wrong side of a table leg saved hitlers life. He escaped for a good few days before being executed. Final words were "long live Germany".
Also many high ranking officials were executed for being apart of it. 5 of which were hung on hooks with piano wire and there deaths were filmed for hitler to see. Also many more of these men were put on such a unfair trial it was almost just a show of who was to blame.
(this is all from memory. I'm hiking up a mountain at about 1200 feet typing this with my iPhone so if any info is off sorry.)
The thing about much of the German army was that they didn't neccesarily agree with the ideology of the Nazi party. Being professional soldiers, they were simply 'forced' to serve for the rulers of their country, which at that time, were Aryan psychopaths.

Stauffenberg, although German, did not support much of what the Nazi Party was trying to achieve. Thus, he tried to kill Hitler.

It just goes to show that not all (non-Jewish) Germans supported the heinous doings of the Nazis.
(Don't know where else I would put this)

Epic thread revive. Not much discussion but a amazing amount of rare WW2 photos that could spark discussion. A thread that was archived on 4chan that has a shit ton of amazing WW2 and Vietnam photos (mostly WW2).
Yes it is a 4chan thread but damn some of these pictures I didn't even know exist.

German soldier with his arm blown off:

Very rare photo of hitler before WW2:

Bunch more in the thread for those who love WW2 pictures.