Recent content by warpixel

  1. warpixel

    Contest 022: Pineapples

    Team9000 - is where YOU feel home!
  2. warpixel

    Community Doodleboard

    some of us seem to forget that you have to close your eye(s of you have two) when drawing something on this remarkable piece of art. i did the crappy orange-part starting at the top.
  3. warpixel

    yay new dashboard!

    yeah everyone is saying its faster, but i think its a little slower, too. the sounds suck pretty much all ass and its waaaayyy to bright! my eyes get killed every time i open the guide.. wtf?! they should listen to all the complains and make it totallay customizable. the hole deal.
  4. warpixel

    The Neverhood

    in 'know' both of 'em. does this make me special? :) :keyboard:
  5. warpixel

    So Kinect came out today.

    its just so stupid.. nothing for the hardcore. never will be.
  6. warpixel


    there is no such thing as a huge sprite, is there? xD
  7. warpixel

    Black man loves Pokemon

    give him his pokemon or its gonna be the end of all!
  8. warpixel


    haha thats awsum
  9. warpixel

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    ordered it on thursday. but because i get both, Black Ops and Undead Nightmare, they send it out on the 26th Nov :O because Undead Nightmare isn't in stock.
  10. warpixel

    I have cats. Told ya :)

    i love cats. i love birma cats :)
  11. warpixel


    :facepalm: what a waste of a thread.
  12. warpixel

    Contest 021: I ???? Minecraft!

    i hate it. i think its the reason for global warming!
  13. warpixel

    So I herd u liek tofurkey

    sheldon, is he sick again? :D
  14. warpixel

    German for my fellow Americans ;)

    well, since its not really a joke you cannot spoil it. the fun is individual....just sayin'.
  15. warpixel

    German for my fellow Americans ;)

    Thanks Ollee, my brother ;) and Thank you sir for getting it! haha. nice! funny or not. you got it :)