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  1. koolaid144


    um..... this is a promotion application thing not ban appeals. post ur ban appeal to the ban forum thingy
  2. koolaid144


    ;)hey ragemakerxD why call urself trollmanXD? for forum name. :thumbsup:
  3. koolaid144

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    look at da chat bar thing
  4. koolaid144

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    i think its petty funny lol.
  5. koolaid144


  6. koolaid144


    i meant sorry not arry lol
  7. koolaid144


    oh hey munty998. im ruffdogs arry i used my guest account. me koolaid is a builder rank. i just accidently used ruffdogs. oh by the way nice builds.
  8. koolaid144


    :thumbsup:dude u gotta build more and put ur pics in one thread. u gotta make big projects to go to builder rank. you welcome have fun buildin
  9. koolaid144

    *Built a Cool House!* ~ Read! (Promote?)

    supp MrLolcat7 and im here good job on ur house. though u kinda need to build a loittle more. post all r other builds in this same thread.
  10. koolaid144


    but u supposed to make another thread if ur another rank than this thread
  11. koolaid144

    TNT box exploding!

    yep i saw aziantachi do it he got banned anyway
  12. koolaid144


    you suppose to make another thread beacuse u r now cool rank
  13. koolaid144

    koolaid144 hotel!!!

    this is a rocketship that me and TheMrHench made thnx TheMrHench
  14. koolaid144

    koolaid144 hotel!!!

    i cant really build big things because i dont have WoM game client to fly
  15. koolaid144

    koolaid144 hotel!!!

    ok tunapiano
  16. koolaid144

    koolaid144 hotel!!!

    and i still dont have WoM. argharh
  17. koolaid144

    koolaid144 hotel!!!

    here is a sandcastle that i made. rollerxray7 helped with some parts too. thnx rollerxray7
  18. koolaid144

    koolaid144 hotel!!!

    here is my wizard castle and my lighthouse. Wizard castle is 3 floors and lighthouse is 7 floors! the lighthouse is epic!
  19. koolaid144


    nice did u see my batman on the side of the rainbow pic. the batman is my avatar:thumbsup:job
  20. koolaid144


    Awesome builds dude love the alien ufo and the sprite sprite. lol