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  1. zmatez98

    demotion for the second time...

    this is the last time dama. sorry to bother you btw. if you could do this i have already logged in from my new account so thanx.
  2. zmatez98

    demotion for the second time...

    hi all. i have decided to go ahead with the demotion. i will be called potato_ZM_aster (potatoes master) i will login soon using this account and cant wait to use it. thanx!
  3. zmatez98

    My Official Retirement

    i just want to ask what rank were/are you? and good bye as well.
  4. zmatez98

    going out to all pro+...

    hi all you pros epics and possibly even owners!! i was wondering and i bet others are too what it is like to be a pro/epic/owner. this thread is NOT for people who want to state their issues it is for pro+ only and anyone who wants to say something INTELLIGENT!!!!!!! thanks guys!
  5. zmatez98

    Cool to Builder Application

    nice igloo try doing some flying things that wont get griefed. otherwise keep it up.
  6. zmatez98

    Just wondering...

    i do socialize and im not too worried but when there are alot of guests on then i like to moderate the path. i often find griefs and i like helping the people who were the victims. as i said i do not focus too much on this but it is still in my mind. btw have any of you tried the glass maze? it...
  7. zmatez98

    Cool to Builder Application

    good job adam. i will be keeping an eye on this thread. now that you are cool will you stay on team9000 instead of RK? please do. it is so boring without you. :) keep up the good work.
  8. zmatez98

    Just wondering...

    cool amer. thats great!! jrl i know that i need to be ranked by trust but admins are not online daily so... this thread might help me (if im aloud to do this). best of luck to you too jrl.
  9. zmatez98

    Just wondering...

    hi all i dont THINK this counts but if i told you guys everything i helped with then would that speed up my promo from builder to engi? if so then i will use this thread for that purpose and all other builder+ are welcome to do so as well. -zmatez98
  10. zmatez98

    HELP HELP HELP...Cannot connect to ANY classic servers.

    figured out the answer! follow the second process and you'll be playing in no time! (download firefox)
  11. zmatez98

    WoM Connection Issues

    thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you...
  12. zmatez98

    Why can't I run Classic?

    same problem. i tried direct connect and suddenly the server broke! i am sad zmatez98
  13. zmatez98

    New computer... New download... New tutorial...

    so it IS! who would have guessed! (me). i have to have this fixed or i wont be able to get on anymore! that would really suck for me and anyone else who knows and builds with me. we might be losing some other valuable players with me as well (sigh). fingers crossed! good luck zmatez98
  14. zmatez98

    demotion (rank transfer to new account)

    thanx dama
  15. zmatez98

    demotion (rank transfer to new account)

    hi admins epics and pros I wanted to let you know (at least one of you who knows me) that i need to switch accounts. my old one is being really weird and ive decided just to make another under the name of zmatez97 not zmatez98. Damashki/godliberator/casham i think you all know me and i would...