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    Do you like my dock mine?
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    I was ban from the server '' Build free for all ''

    also i think there is a bug where if you destroy 20 blocks of something you have built you get banned as welll. im not sure.
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    I was banned!! Please help!

    no i believe this is the right place to post things like this.:D
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    I was ban from the server '' Build free for all ''

    the rules, as far as i know, are: breaking 20 blocks of a single structure will get you banned. to become a recruit, create a good building.that is all i know so far. also hit the button t to talk, then type /fly then jump with space and you'll fly. also to look at rules hit t then type /rules...
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    My code for imobsters: 8W7D4C.

    My code for imobsters: 8W7D4C.
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    why was i bannedO.O?

    yes sir mr. .....ummmm....... orange?
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    why was i bannedO.O?

    then i guess i should change my password to something else if possible. the only person that ive told about my account was a friend from school named guessing i shouldnt have let him borrow my laptop...
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    why was i bannedO.O?

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    why was i bannedO.O?

    oops sorry for double posts. please delete this one
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    why was i bannedO.O?

    hello my minecraft account is BlackVipor and i have a question. why was i banned? O.O when i tried to log on it said banned by console 7d2h. i have been gone at my grandma's for 2 weeks with my family for a visit. can you please tell me why i was banned?
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    why was i banned o.o

    hello my minecraft account is BlackVipor and i have a question. why was i banned? O.O when i tried to log on it said banned by console 7d2h. i have been gone at my grandma's for 2 weeks with my family for a visit. can you please tell me why i was banned?