._. School...

Eighth grade may well be important to 9th grade, but in the whole scheme of things, it's certainly not a show stopper. If you want my advice at getting a nice job, here is the fool-proof plan:

1. Take computer science classes -- as many as your school offers
2. Learn Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript (in that order of importance)
3. Go to college for computer science, and make at least a 3.0 GPA
4. Make sure you continue to learn about new technologies -- you won't be in the job market for at least nine years, and a lot can change in that time.

I know a lot of people just exiting college, and those without Computer Science degrees are struggling to find work. Those who graduated in Computer Science received internships during and immediately after school, and are usually offered full time jobs basically instantly.

Computer science is the only continuously, constantly expanding industry, and there is always room for growth. If you go to school for art, theater, architecture, finance, law, or anything else, prepare for a long job hunt.

*disclaimer* Make sure you like what you do. That's important.

Economics would also be a good avenue to take, for any non-computer savvy types. Yeah, the media is reporting that the stock markets are absolute crap right now, but the industry is still growing, maybe even more so since we're in a rut, more people want to hire someone to tell them what's going on and what to do. As a long-aog high school grad, I WOULD NOT reccommend AP classes if you have the chance to take college courses, instead. Some schools offer such programs, where you can take college courses which will count towards your GPA in high school. My wife did this and was able to knock out an entire semester of college, one of her cousins did it and knocked out an entire YEAR of college. I did take AP courses in high school, hated them because the teachers taught you the test, and not anything worthwhile. I didn't get a high enough score in the classes to get any extra credit for college.

One more thing to note: This is a gaming community, and even though some of us may know what we're talking about, I would probably take a lot of what's being said with a grain of salt. School is what you make of it. It is your future and no one else's to decide, make the most of it. Also, go talk to a guidance counselor about options for school programs, and what things you can do now to get ready for things you would like to do later.
One more thing to note: This is a gaming community, and even though some of us may know what we're talking about, I would probably take a lot of what's being said with a grain of salt. School is what you make of it. It is your future and no one else's to decide, make the most of it. Also, go talk to a guidance counselor about options for school programs, and what things you can do now to get ready for things you would like to do later.

I would second this but I would also like to say that getting the advice and opinions of people who have gone through school and have some idea of how to cope with making decisions is a very very good idea. If, for example, I had not sought the opinions of people who have had to make a choice as to which University they go to, I would be in a much different situation now.
Seek a wide range of opinions and views and make an informed choice based on the facts and based on consequences.
I'll just leave this here.

lolol. They said middle school would matter and I slept though that... Then they said highschool would matter and I slept through that and got into my first choice college. They said college matters and by god that shit does.
So... I just need to pay attention in College?
Gonna be a JUNIOR in 6 days...but yes indeed I am going to be like that shadow, only available on weekends, unless I can somehow play during school in Video Game Design class.

Video game design class?! Wish I had had that in school :(

Also Xraptor, have you talked to someone about your distaste for the school you go to? It does sound pretty bad by your description, but if administrators don't know that students are having issues with the environment they can't do much. (Them not caring is a whole other problem though)
Hey Xraptor, you ever consider private school? These people have enough money to drive 30 minutes to an upper middle class public school but I doubt they would spend a penny on actual education. Just sayin
Hey Xraptor, you ever consider private school? These people have enough money to drive 30 minutes to an upper middle class public school but I doubt they would spend a penny on actual education. Just sayin

I wish, my parents really don't do anything about my situation. Every time I tell them to do something they give me the exact same "You'll survive, just keep your nose clean" speech. Honestly its not THAT bad for me, since I have honors classes, but getting to and from classes and the electives are still pretty bad. But still, I am easily whoring out high school credits right now, so life isn't completely terrible at my school.
I am not letting people make my life decisions, but I think a lot of these are very good suggestions, and some are just... You know... Bad