
The bottom image of that cartoon reminds me of...


Why does Narwhals have to be a "brony" to get any friendly support from you guys. Why do people insist on being called bronies? Why can't you be neutral shadowwolf? You don't have to join all this image macro spam, and that's what technically being a brony ensues. Just enjoy the show and post quality posts.
He told me he found the show entertaining, but he said he wasn't like MUST WATCH MLP NOW

To all of you who don't respect my decision, I leave you with this

Must watch MLP NOW!!!! ...kidding...
This show grew on me. I watched the first two with my little sister. Now I have seen them all...once or twice.....
In all honesty, I was neutral, and I may not be...obsessed.. but I enjoy watching it. It was originally meant for young girls, but who here like the powerpuff girls? That was also meant for little girls, and it became huge. What about foster's home for imaginary friends? also meant for children, but it was great. A lot of shows are created and they flow out from their intended audience. If you don't like it, that is fine. I respect your decision, all that I ask to the pony haters, and this doesn't just go for pony shows, but everything in general;take the high road and try something before you say you decide you don't like it, and try it with an open mind. Also, as this was clarified before, but there is a difference in hating on a show and hating on the people that like the show. Be careful where you draw that line as that says a lot about a person. This thread was not pointed at anyone individually, but generally how I have felt over this last month or so about general community attitude. Again, this was not meant to start anything, and if you have any issues for any reason, just shoot me a message (This applies to EVERYTHING at ALL times) and we can discuss it and find common grounds. Otherwise, I just wanted to point out, the creator of those two shows I mentioned is the creator of MLP :)
The only regular male character in this show is a pussy and is being dominated by the female ponies. Also pony related threads are more susceptible to image macros and thus makes half of them trash. I'm probably more annoyed by the repetitiveness of them all.
My second point is, why does Narwhals have to be a "brony" to get any friendly support from you guys. Why do people insist on being called bronies? Why can't you be neutral shadowwolf? You don't have to join all this image macro spam, and that's what technically being a brony ensues. Just enjoy the show and post quality posts.

Hawke joined the thread.......

i actually read all of this, this is what i remember:
"i love mlp now!"
"now we hate u"
-more hate comments here-
"i dont hate u anymore brohoof?"
-random woot faces-
-hawke joins-

what the hell do you guys do when i sleep @_o

ps: mlp is awesome
hate/troll me as much as you want, i'm used to it
I'm rather confused due to the fact that you were severely hating ponies and then having a quick change of heart leads me to a few conclusions:

1: You have a sense of insecurity.

2: Your going along with the craze.

3: Your going along with the majority of the group.

Just some friendly advice. Act what you preach otherwise your words don't have meaning and may as well be ignored.

To be honest this fad has gone to the point where I really don't care any more, regardless the point remains.