Are you the only person on Team9000 who...?

Am I the only who gets frequent nose bleeds? I have some weird disease between my nostrils that can't be fixed without expensive surgery. This disease makes my nose vessels really weak and susceptible to bleeding. I've gotten 2 nose bleeds a day for everyday since I was 8 or 9. This kind of scares me, because I'm sure I've lost a ton of blood. These aren't small bleeds either. I've been able to make blood come out of my mouth (cause the nose blood trickles down..?) and scare my friends like that. When I go paintballing in hot weather my nose makes alot of blood come out and pour onto my mouth/face. When I lift my mask it scares the crap out of people. I've gotten my inner nose cauterized before but it didn't work. I've had this problem for so long I can almost control when I get nose bleeds. So yeah, am I the only T9K Bloodbender?
I have no fucking clue what I'm going to college for...

EDIT: As of today, I have seen Guardians of the Galaxy 3 times

Before I disconnect from a minecraft world, I usually wait like 20 seconds to see if anyone says goodbye...
I'm the same way, the only exception is when I was doing that weird sleep schedule.

I am fully against napping at any point in the day.
(Probably why I end up sleeping 10 hours regularly)
I am a kitty kat.
If given the opportunity, my body operates better on a 26hr day/night cycle. On top of that, I will sleep anywhere between 10-20 hours a day.
I think anyone who has any common sense has an apocalypse plan of some sort. Zombies are a good standard to set, as they allow for multiple actually possible scenarios in one plan.