Are you the only person on Team9000 who...?

Then maybe 5 minutes later in the conversation I'll have an "OH YEAH" moment.
**not to be confused with giant pitchers of kool-aid crashing through walls**

My dreams interconnect; For instance, if i walk past/drive past Point A in a dream on monday; three weeks later on a thursday, i will pass by that spot in my dream while i go to a new area; i shit you not i could draw a map of everywhere i see in my dreams.
I cried during these following movies:
  • The Iron Giant (Only once, the first time I saw it. I was still in elementary school)
  • Cast Away (WILSON!!!)
  • Toy Story 3 (my feels)

Interesting enough, Tom Hanks was in 3/4 of them.
I actually find it uncomfortable to call someone on my phone. Like, find their contact and call them. Receiving calls is fine, texting is fine, but actually calling them is weird to me. I think I have an underlying fear of dialing the wrong number.
I cried during these following movies:
  • The Iron Giant (Only once, the first time I saw it. I was still in elementary school)
  • Cast Away (WILSON!!!)
  • Toy Story 3 (my feels)

Interesting enough, Tom Hanks was in 3/4 of them.
I honestly thought that politics and government corruption was going on in my body after watching Osmosis Jones when I was younger.
I cried during these following movies:
  • The Iron Giant (Only once, the first time I saw it. I was still in elementary school)
  • Cast Away (WILSON!!!)
  • Toy Story 3 (my feels)

Interesting enough, Tom Hanks was in 3/4 of them.
I cry through movies. PERIOD! Any movie, any horror movie, car bears movie (cuz I don't like care bears...), AND... When I see my neighbor's grandchild on the Wii watching bratz.... I SLAP HER!
Am I the only person in T9k that...
* Got on Singleplayer
* Toggled all the settings I wanted for my world
* When I got to the seed part I typed in.. "Dat_Backflip_Tho"
If I don't drink soda for a day, I shit you not, I will suffer withdraws the next day.
On the other end of that spectrum; I don't really drink soda either way. In fact I usually hate it.

I'm not opposed to the occasional Root Beer or orange flavored soda, but God forbid if you try to slap a Coke in my hands I will fling that shit across the room like a Coca-Catapult. I just don't like it. :/

-readies self for hate-
On the other end of that spectrum; I don't really drink soda either way. In fact I usually hate it.

I'm not opposed to the occasional Root Beer or orange flavored soda, but God forbid if you try to slap a Coke in my hands I will fling that shit across the room like a Coca-Catapult. I just don't like it. :/

-readies self for hate-

I'm with you on the coke hatin yo. #drugfreethatsforme

But seriously, I prefer pepsi over coke. AND DONT SAY ITS THE SAME THING, THEY TASTE DIFFERENT!!
I'm with you on the coke hatin yo. #drugfreethatsforme

But seriously, I prefer pepsi over coke. AND DONT SAY ITS THE SAME THING, THEY TASTE DIFFERENT!!

Some guy at work said this in a serious, un-joking tone whilst staring me down, making complete eye contact:

"Maybe pepsi and coke have the same ingredients, it's just the sugar levels are different."

He knows too much. he's a spy.
On the other end of that spectrum; I don't really drink soda either way. In fact I usually hate it.

I'm not opposed to the occasional Root Beer or orange flavored soda, but God forbid if you try to slap a Coke in my hands I will fling that shit across the room like a Coca-Catapult. I just don't like it. :/

-readies self for hate-
I actually can't even drink any soda at all, I spray soda all over the place every time I accidentally drink one. I can't handle the fizzyness.

Oh, and when I go on trips and the only drinks they have are sodas...I'd rather drink my own piss before touching one of those.
I actually can't even drink any soda at all, I spray soda all over the place every time I accidentally drink one. I can't handle the fizzyness.

Oh, and when I go on trips and the only drinks they have are sodas...I'd rather drink my own piss before touching one of those.
0-0 Whoa dude
I drink Pepsi like a bastard at powwows. It's my Powwow Soda. I tend to get it before I get Coke, but I like Coke too, especially Cherry Coke or Vanilla Coke. Both sodas are preferred if cold and served over ice. Or in the can or a glass bottle. Soda in plastic bottles tastes shitty, at least compared to glass bottles.
I'm with you there.

Personally, I find that Coca-Cola has a crisper, more acrid taste and seemingly is more carbonated.
Pepsi's sweeter and more lucid.

I prefer Pepsi, given the choice.

My friends and I have got a little rule goin':
Coke if it's cold, Pepsi if it's hot.

Room temperature Pepsi is OK, but warm Coke is awful. Coke should only be served cold; Pepsi's more forgiving.


Too right my friend, too right.
Also, Coke is better in smaller amounts like in cans, and Pepsi is better in larger amounts.
Too right my friend, too right.
Also, Coke is better in smaller amounts like in cans, and Pepsi is better in larger amounts.

This, and its better for social gatherings. My friends and I enjoy watching beyonce dance while enjoying a nice cold pepsi!
