Boston Marathon Explosion

Boston is a huge hub of colleges and universities filled with students that are mobilizing themselves against the Westboro Baptist Church on facebook and other social media sites. We will be there in full force preventing the WBC from causing any hate and destruction in any lawful and legal way possible. If there happens to be news coverage, expect to see me there dressed in a full body gorilla costume taunting and mimicking their every action. We have plans to create a human wall around the funeral site exactly like the one they created in Newtown, CT that was extremely successful just a couple months ago when WBC tried to picket those funerals. They were unable to get anywhere near the event and were harassed back to their hotels.
I'd be right there with you if I could.

Last thing I really want to post.


China is in mourning after the third fatal victim of the Boston Marathon bombing was named as Lu Lingzi, a 23-year-old Boston University student from Shenyang in the northeastern province of Liaoning.
I wore my Boston Red Sox shirt out of memory of the attack on Boston, I just want to know who/why anybody would do such a thing, but I'm pretty sure alot of people would like to know the same
Pretty sure people are tired of the topic but, photos of 2 suspects have been released by the fbi. Here are the photos:

Now that they're caught their faces dont deserve to be shown.
May their names never be known and their message never broadcast. Focus on the plight of the victims, not the motives of the killers.
Don't give a shit about seeing the suspect. The suspect needs to stay the fuck out of the media.
I 100% agree, I'm just posting the info here , be it counter productive to my statement still. Saw a video a while ago that covered a shooting in england that summed up that point quite nicely, I dont know where to find it though.
Pretty sure people are tired of the topic but, photos of 2 suspects have been released by the fbi. Here are the photos:

Here is the video it is from:

They're pretty much confirmed to be the bombers, as they've gotten into multiple shootouts with police, have thrown PRESSURE COOKER bombs, and the now dead suspect was strapped with an IED when he died in one of the shootouts.
They are using the media/publicity to help locate them, after they find the other one or however many more are involved they don't need to release anymore on them. I agree we don't need to give them any attention, but we do need to find them.
They are using the media/publicity to help locate them, after they find the other one or however many more are involved they don't need to release anymore on them. I agree we don't need to give them any attention, but we do need to find them.

Well one suspect is dead, another is on the run. And with names like those, I doubt we'll have an easy time remembering them for long.
I just think we need to step up security at all public events, I just wish I had a TARDIS and could go back and stop it from happening
What impresses me more is all the wetwork that went into actually finding the suspects. 24 hours ago, I was pretty damn sure there was no way of finding them from just a few blurry photos.

I heard it was their aunt in Canada that gave them away (because she was convinced that them being questioned would vindicate them). Now that poor woman is in denial and is futilely defending her nephews.
So, apparently they're Czech Muslims; just the two of 'em or whatever.

Things are tense in Watertown and the news is a bit dreary, eh.
So apparently one of the bombers trapped himself in a boat in someones backyard with a bunch of bombs.
Then he lit himself on fire.
In the boat.
hey man i wrote this mad and if i cant stand violence then here this i get either super upset over it or get super mad

Being mad is not an excuse for hatred, or intolerance or extraordinary prejudice and discrimination. I have spent my life fighting against people like you who associate all muslims with violence, terrorism and hatred. You sound very young and immature every time you post on this forum. Please stop spreading hate.

I am sure that there are plenty of people in the world who think similarly to you. Even I often have absurdly racist and hatful thoughts, but the difference between you and me, is that I know how to control my actions and what I express to those around me. You seem to have no control between what you think and what your blurt out on the internet.

I strongly suggest that you think very carefully about what you are going to say before you say it.