DotA 2 General

I redid my hotkeys and found a good build for Rubick and now I'm actually pretty good with him. He's fun to play but is a bit squishy and has some manna problems early game. But his spell stealing ultimate is so awesome.
Pick rubick against lycan, shapeshifting into a ranged lycan is so much fun haha : D
I saw this in the /vg/ dota 2 general
I laffed
Played as Outworld Destroyer today. I usually hate playing carries because my team doesn't know how to support, but it was an intelligence based carry who looked cool so I tried him out. And wow, 19 - 2 - 9. OD is so so powerful once farmed and booooy was I farmed. My team also did exactly what I said so that's always nice :D.
Soooo....if someone can get me a key for this, i would love you forever...just saying...but im super excited to play it, and it looks greeaaattt....
I like all support heroes and ganker heroes. I don't do carries because my friend who plays with me cant support and i don't do as good as him at last hitting.

Favourite heroes: Lich, Tiny, Shadow Demon, Puck, Pitlord( unreleased). As you could probably see, these heroes are mostly supportive, but could solo the crap out of anyone too.
I think for QoP you gotta get either Guinsoo, Linken's, Agha, or Orchid as one of her cores, though I'm not so sure. And then you can get one of the others as her Luxury. My personal preference is Guinsoo and Agha, so I can have a disable and have my ulti much more powerful.

Most of my builds are learned from playdota, but once in a while I like to experiment. Usually end up screwing up though :)
I like going for skadi for that slow and increased damage. Then get either hex or agha.
I remember the first time I played Dota... The first hero I picked was Naix...

And that's when he gained 4.0 agi per lvl. No shit. He was still awesome before he got revamped and turned into a monster.
Oh my gosh. I love Dota 2 but I hate the fact that it's a team based game. Every match I've tried to play, everyone picks carries. Everyone. I'm always the only support. Not only that, but my team ends up feeding and and and ugh! Noobs! Rage!
Oh my gosh. I love Dota 2 but I hate the fact that it's a team based game. Every match I've tried to play, everyone picks carries. Everyone. I'm always the only support. Not only that, but my team ends up feeding and and and ugh! Noobs! Rage!
All the pros go random.
Not always. If the whole team randoms then you may get a bad team composition. And pros only random when doing pubs anyways. They never random in pro games.
I always random when I'm first pick, it's fun plus I get extra munnies : 3

Oh my gosh. I love Dota 2 but I hate the fact that it's a team based game. Every match I've tried to play, everyone picks carries. Everyone. I'm always the only support. Not only that, but my team ends up feeding and and and ugh! Noobs! Rage!
Gotta love those Ursa-Lycan-Riki instalocks