DotA 2 General

So, there's three new heros coming to dota 2. What do you guys think of them?

Nyx Assassin

Ezalor the Keeper of the Light

Visage the Necro'lic
There's always "new" heroes coming out in dota2. They emphasized "new" because these heroes are already on dotA, and i played them so much already. It's not like it's a fresh hero where everyone will experiment with various skill builds. With that said, I like all 3 heroes, and all heroes already made, and all heroes to come.
There's always "new" heroes coming out in dota2. They emphasized "new" because these heroes are already on dotA, and i played them so much already. It's not like it's a fresh hero where everyone will experiment with various skill builds. With that said, I like all 3 heroes, and all heroes already made, and all heroes to come.

I know that. I hesitated to say "new" for that reason. But regardless, they do look very interesting. Nyx looks tough to play against, if the guy knows what he's doing.
I'm more concerned with the mana burn.

EDIT: After getting dagon, this hero 100% solo kills anyone with low hp and high int, unless you have detection. Hence, early gem counters nyx.
Guise, find your profile on this site and post your match record highs : D

These are mine:
Match Record Highs
47,168 gold
29 kills
19 deaths
42 assists
415 last hits
21 denies
39,892 hero dmg
5,356 hero healing
6,737 tower dmg
1H 18M game
1 Divine Rapier acquired
68 Radiant games
71 Dire games
Highest win streak: 5
Highest lose streak: 7
Anyone else enjoying Diretide? I've gotten a rare Omni hood so far so I'm happy. I heard it goes to mid November. I'm excited to keep playing.
Guise, find your profile on this site and post your match record highs : D

These are mine:
Match Record Highs
47,168 gold
29 kills
19 deaths
42 assists
415 last hits
21 denies
39,892 hero dmg
5,356 hero healing
6,737 tower dmg
1H 18M game
1 Divine Rapier acquired
68 Radiant games
71 Dire games
Highest win streak: 5
Highest lose streak: 7
Match Record Highs
28,555 gold
20 kills
17 deaths
37 assists
371 last hits
51 denies
33,703 hero dmg
8,482 hero healing
6,339 tower dmg
1H 17M game
2 Divine Rapiers acquired
272 Radiant games
242 Dire games
Highest win streak: 8
Highest lose streak: 7
DotA is a game where you will be shouted at a lot before you get good. You will be hearing lots of nasty ugly things. Don't get discouraged by these game spoilers, they are probably as bad as you are. Try playing with bots before joining public games. Watch videos on tutorials and stuff, not pro games, those don't really explain the technicalities of the gameplay. Just "Wow! Massive Blackholes!!!!"
Some youtube channels that you can watch are:

Good luck at being shouted at. :p
Can anyone teach me how to play Tidehunter?
