DotA 2 General

So, I'm gonna start playing this. I have experience in Warcraft 3, not DotA. Someone give me a crash course as to how things work. I know that these are the kind of games where running in, balls to the wall, will get you killed and ruin the game for your teammates.
Hmm, read the OP's pasta:
I figured we needed a thread for, in my opinion, one of the best games of all time, DotA 2!

Here, have some links!

New players read this:
Information Archive:
Quick Guides:
Competitive Game Analysis:

IRC Channels: #dota2 @ QuakeNet (casual) @ QuakeNet (competitive)

Beta Keys:
(plenty of keys floating around, if you're going to beg remember to post your Steam ID)
The first link is the best place to start.

Also I have three beta keys if anyone wants some.
What are some good heroes that can solo the hard lane? I know Windrunner and Broodmother are some pretty popular ones, BH works too right?
I admit that enigma is a very good laner as well. As is Natures Prophet. However I don't agree that laneing these types of heroes is the only right way to play.
Well I feel that its a waste to put a perfect killing hero in the jungle. I like to gank a lot early till mid game. That usually guarantees my team's carry a good farm (if he is competent at getting last hits).
Just get Dota2. Dota2 test is to test new stuff thats going to be released. Dota2 is the actual thing.
What are some good heroes that can solo the hard lane? I know Windrunner and Broodmother are some pretty popular ones, BH works too right?

BH works to an extent. He is good at not dieing, but his lack of counter-push as apposed to a windrunner or a broodmother will almost surely get your tier one killed by the 10 minute mark if the enemy desires.
BH and broodmother only works as a hard lane solo if the enemy doesnt get sentry wards. Then he will be pushed out of exp range effectively by the enemy support.

In another note, I think PA can do quite well on the hard lane solo, using dagger to get last hits from afar. She will need warding in the jungle (by supports) to avoid ganks though.

P.S. I forgot but Dark Seer is the perfect hero for hard lane solo.
Just played this the first time with my friend.

Played Mirana the first time, vs people. That didn't seem such a good idea. Used Windrunner the other two against bots, and that went better. I seemed to be able to use Windrunner better than Mirana also, only thing that really messed me up was one of the rounds had two or more enemies that could stun, and that isn't so fun for a ranged character.
Mirana is not a newbie friendly hero. Not at all. Try Zeus. All you need to do is spam skills and mana management.
Just played this the first time with my friend.

Played Mirana the first time, vs people. That didn't seem such a good idea. Used Windrunner the other two against bots, and that went better. I seemed to be able to use Windrunner better than Mirana also, only thing that really messed me up was one of the rounds had two or more enemies that could stun, and that isn't so fun for a ranged character.
Haha nice, Mirana's stun is one of the hardest in the entire game to land, so it isn't very reliable (unless your map awareness is godlike).

The first heroes that I tried were mostly easy heroes to play, for instance Drow Ranger. She has one of the best slows (Frost Arrows) in the entire game and insane stat gains with her 3rd and 4th skill. You don't even need her AOE silence (and it's still very good). To play her well you literally only need to stand in the sidelines and right-click everyone, and farm up until you have your items.

Lion is also another fun hero, quite easy to use. He has a stun, mana drain, and can turn people into chickens, and then there's his dreaded ultimate: Finger of Death. An insane nuke that deals up to 900 damage. No skillshots are needed, since all his spells are single target.

Other easy heroes include:
Chaos Knight
Centaur Warrunner
Skeleton King
Vengeful Spirit
Crystal Maiden

Also the whole game is about positioning. If you're out of position, you're pretty much dead, which is why some people affectionately like to call it "Dota: Allstun".
Haha nice, Mirana's stun is one of the hardest in the entire game to land, so it isn't very reliable.

The first heroes that I tried were mostly easy heroes to play, for instance Drow Ranger. She has one of the best slows (Frost Arrows) in the entire game and insane stat gains with her 3rd and 4th skill. You don't even need her AOE silence (and it's still very good). To play her well you literally only need to stand in the sidelines and right-click everyone, and farm up until you have your items.

Lion is also another fun hero, quite easy to use. He has a stun, mana drain, and can turn people into chickens, and then there's his dreaded ultimate: Finger of Death. An insane nuke that deals up to 900 damage. No skillshots are needed, since all his spells are single target.

Other easy heroes include:
Chaos Knight
Centaur Warrunner
Skeleton King
Vengeful Spirit
Crystal Maiden

Also the whole game is about positioning. If you're out of position, you're pretty much dead, which is why some people affectionately like to call it "Dota: Allstun".

Pretty much. If it looks like you might be in danger, you are. Caution and positioning are vastly more important than items or skills, no matter what hero you play. But you don't want to play too complacent.
I disagree that drow ranger is an easy hero to play. Her attack motion is disgustingly slow. Hard to get last hits.
And i always bash on people who never get silence lv1.

To make matters worst, people are starting to use a build where you only get trueshot aura and stats. Not even getting frost arrow and silence. These players make me want to rip my webbed feet off.
I disagree that drow ranger is an easy hero to play. Her attack motion is disgustingly slow. Hard to get last hits.
And i always bash on people who never get silence lv1.

To make matters worst, people are starting to use a build where you only get trueshot aura and stats. Not even getting frost arrow and silence. These players make me want to rip my webbed feet off.

Frostarrows is like... The reason you play drow. And I can't completely agree with grabbing a 3 seconds 300 aoe silence at level 1. Not saying that her other skills are any better at level 1 of course...




Oh yeah, my favorite hero!

Also this: