DotA 2 General

I love the old visage gravekeeper's cloak too much to like this new visage. :p
Early: 3 ironwood(2 for future mek), 1 tango, soul ring recipe
Mid: Soul Ring, Mek, Arcane? (maybe travel if I don't have mana problems)
Late: Scepter, Heart, Sheep Stick
Luxury: Dagon (for ks :p), Shiva, Skadi

Ah I forgot to mention scepter. I usually do pick one up if I can. And of course, if I get stupid amounts of farm I'd also go for a heart and sheep haha.
Who would a good combo with visage? Personally I am thinking nukers. Visage slows them, teammate deals damage. Gives visage his charges for soul assumption and bingo! One down.

P.S. Does centaur's stampede work on familiars?
Who would a good combo with visage? Personally I am thinking nukers. Visage slows them, teammate deals damage. Gives visage his charges for soul assumption and bingo! One down.

P.S. Does centaur's stampede work on familiars?
Doesn't it only work on heroes? Imagine having a Chen or Enchantress's creeps also stampeding together.
I've practiced jungle Skeleton King recently. I heard it mentioned in a Dota Cenima video but they never went into detail. So I decided to experiment. The only starting build I've found to work perfectly is tango, quelling blade, stout shield, and level 1 lifesteal. Quelling blade gives you enough damage to get some decent lifesteal out of the creeps and stout provides the damage block needed to continue farming. The tango is to last you until level 2 when you'll be doing enough damage to counteract the incoming damage with lifesteal.

I will level lifesteal first of course, and then I level 1 crit just to make my jungling a bit faster, and then I'll max stun to not make myself a completely useless SK at the beginning of the game. Essentially, you forgo the 2 stat levels you usually get while laneing SK in replacement for early levels of lifesteal and crit to make you an effective jungler.

The camps I found SK to be able to jungle at level 1 are any of the small camps, the small/medium Sayter camp, and the Mud Golems. Any other large camps I'd save until you have upgraded boots. And don't stack the camps... I died every time I tried to take down a small camp stack at early levels. The most efficient way I found is once you've killed the small camp, go roam the jungle for a mud golem or small Sayter camp and farm that while the small camp is respawning.

I can usually get level 6, with treads, and a wand or soul ring around 10 minutes. I'd say it's pretty effective as long as you're not giving up free farm in-lane. My personal preference in boots for this is treads due to the attack speed and overall stats, however you could get phase if you really wanted to.
I've practiced jungle Skeleton King recently. I heard it mentioned in a Dota Cenima video but they never went into detail. So I decided to experiment. The only starting build I've found to work perfectly is tango, quelling blade, stout shield, and level 1 lifesteal. Quelling blade gives you enough damage to get some decent lifesteal out of the creeps and stout provides the damage block needed to continue farming. The tango is to last you until level 2 when you'll be doing enough damage to counteract the incoming damage with lifesteal.

I will level lifesteal first of course, and then I level 1 crit just to make my jungling a bit faster, and then I'll max stun to not make myself a completely useless SK at the beginning of the game. Essentially, you forgo the 2 stat levels you usually get while laneing SK in replacement for early levels of lifesteal and crit to make you an effective jungler.

The camps I found SK to be able to jungle at level 1 are any of the small camps, the small/medium Sayter camp, and the Mud Golems. Any other large camps I'd save until you have upgraded boots. And don't stack the camps... I died every time I tried to take down a small camp stack at early levels. The most efficient way I found is once you've killed the small camp, go roam the jungle for a mud golem or small Sayter camp and farm that while the small camp is respawning.

I can usually get level 6, with treads, and a wand or soul ring around 10 minutes. I'd say it's pretty effective as long as you're not giving up free farm in-lane. My personal preference in boots for this is treads due to the attack speed and overall stats, however you could get phase if you really wanted to.

When I flashed my eyes over that text, I thought you meant Sand King jungle.. In theory, wouldn't that be possible by maxing out or at least putting a couple of points into Caustic Finale and pulling the hard camp? This would give more exp to the team + the main reason for picking sand king is because of his ulti, so not maxing out his other skills is forgiven

EDIT: Reading your post again, wouldn't levelling stats first be a bit more reliable than putting points into crit?
When I flashed my eyes over that text, I thought you meant Sand King jungle.. In theory, wouldn't that be possible by maxing out or at least putting a couple of points into Caustic Finale and pulling the hard camp? This would give more exp to the team + the main reason for picking sand king is because of his ulti, so not maxing out his other skills is forgiven

EDIT: Reading your post again, wouldn't levelling stats first be a bit more reliable than putting points into crit?

Getting a stat level would also be viable I'm sure. Maybe I just have more fun seeing the numbers pop over my head? And Sand King jungle could maybe work the way you described it. It used to be much easier to jungle SK due to sandstorm. But Valve fixed the jungle so creeps now run away from the damage source...
I strongly disagree with jungling anything except Chen. :p I understand that by jungling you give ur other laning hero solo exp but u end up screwing yourself. And the other laning hero will have a hard time laning against 2 heroes. If the laning hero dies then you end up losing more exp. You can then leave the jungle to get lane exp but u will be at such a exp disadvantage that the dual hero might kill you easily too.

Dual laning gives you the opportunity to harrass the enemy while farming. Maybe even killing them. This will not be possible with 1v2 on a lane. I don't mind stacking and pulling creeps though.
I strongly disagree with jungling anything except Chen. :p I understand that by jungling you give ur other laning hero solo exp but u end up screwing yourself. And the other laning hero will have a hard time laning against 2 heroes. If the laning hero dies then you end up losing more exp. You can then leave the jungle to get lane exp but u will be at such a exp disadvantage that the dual hero might kill you easily too.

Dual laning gives you the opportunity to harrass the enemy while farming. Maybe even killing them. This will not be possible with 1v2 on a lane. I don't mind stacking and pulling creeps though.

You honestly don't think jungling Enchantress or Enigma is viable? If you have one lane sacrificing a bit of gold to gain most, if not all the XP from the lane then what is the loss? If you die, then yes, that is bad. But if you can play competently, from all the pro games I have watched every caster has mentioned the increase in gold and XP for a team with a jungler, as apposed to a team without.

Soloing is a viable strategy, as is jungling because it allows you to win the safe lane handily if you turn your lane into a psudo-trilane with a jungler consistently ganking from the jungle as well. You also have to keep in mind that not every lane can be pulled, and not every lane is as safe as the other, so you are not guaranteed to win a lane even if you have a dual lane in it.

I also like not having to deal with idiot teammates in-lane. :D
So, I'm gonna start playing this. I have experience in Warcraft 3, not DotA. Someone give me a crash course as to how things work. I know that these are the kind of games where running in, balls to the wall, will get you killed and ruin the game for your teammates.
So, I'm gonna start playing this. I have experience in Warcraft 3, not DotA. Someone give me a crash course as to how things work. I know that these are the kind of games where running in, balls to the wall, will get you killed and ruin the game for your teammates.
Your Warcraft 3 experience will definitely be a good thing for your microing skills in DotA since there is often microing involved.
If you still need a key, I got plenty.

Check out the links on the first page of the thread, especially this one:
Your Warcraft 3 experience will definitely be a good thing for your microing skills in DotA since there is often microing involved.
If you still need a key, I got plenty.

Check out the links on the first page of the thread, especially this one:
Would it be possible to let me have one of them key? I have a friend that wants to play with me and i gave out all of my key.
You honestly don't think jungling Enchantress or Enigma is viable? If you have one lane sacrificing a bit of gold to gain most, if not all the XP from the lane then what is the loss? If you die, then yes, that is bad. But if you can play competently, from all the pro games I have watched every caster has mentioned the increase in gold and XP for a team with a jungler, as apposed to a team without.

Soloing is a viable strategy, as is jungling because it allows you to win the safe lane handily if you turn your lane into a psudo-trilane with a jungler consistently ganking from the jungle as well. You also have to keep in mind that not every lane can be pulled, and not every lane is as safe as the other, so you are not guaranteed to win a lane even if you have a dual lane in it.

I also like not having to deal with idiot teammates in-lane. :D
Jungling is viable if only you trust your teammate to be competent enough to survive against a dual lane. Enchantress is good jungler too as her skills arent really useful before lvl 6. Enigma on the other hand is too good a harrasser/denier to be put in the jungle. You can use conversion to deny one of your creep and proceed to deny creeps with the eidolons too. Way better than jungling.
Jungling is viable if only you trust your teammate to be competent enough to survive against a dual lane. Enchantress is good jungler too as her skills arent really useful before lvl 6. Enigma on the other hand is too good a harrasser/denier to be put in the jungle. You can use conversion to deny one of your creep and proceed to deny creeps with the eidolons too. Way better than jungling.

I admit that enigma is a very good laner as well. As is Natures Prophet. However I don't agree that laneing these types of heroes is the only right way to play.
Would it be possible to let me have one of them key? I have a friend that wants to play with me and i gave out all of my key.
Jungling is viable if only you trust your teammate to be competent enough to survive against a dual lane. Enchantress is good jungler too as her skills arent really useful before lvl 6. Enigma on the other hand is too good a harrasser/denier to be put in the jungle. You can use conversion to deny one of your creep and proceed to deny creeps with the eidolons too. Way better than jungling.
Tell me his username, I can only send these to people who don't own it yet apparently