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Free skins for everyone!

Damnit you blew up my screen :(
Ah, i would like to get a skin too then. Make me a person wearing a frog suit with the face exposed. The frog suit can look like the picture below.

Colour used: Green mostly.


  • tree_frog_1.jpg
    167.5 KB · Views: 142
Sorry, a request for Frog :P ( I want to see him in it (When he gets the game (Hurry))) Could you make a Frog, in a suit (Like a buisiness suit) with sunglasses? Like an ultra cool Frog.

Colours used: Black and green mostly
A Link skin with a sword and shield on his back
colours: green, blue, brown, yellow, white, gray, purple, red

Name: Beese

The Skin:
EDIT: lol at thumbnail
David Bowie from Dancing in the Street. (Incase you don't know, David Bowie is the one in the Cream Coat)

Colours Used: Bowns Creams Yellow

Take note, When making the skin (so when he's facing you) His Left eye is blue while his right eye is brown. I'm probably going to mix the good parts of your skin and my skin to make an even better one!
the largest challenge I could give you, would be to make a skin of my avatar. the sea serpent, I look forward to seeing what you come up with. If it is good, I may be tempted to wear it for a while and put off the birch tree skin.
Minecraft Username: Jns112

Short description of the skin: PRINCESS CELESTIA ZOMG

Colors used: alot

Reference images:




Why yes I am asking you to make a pony skin for me. :p
Hey. I really liked the skin you made me, so I wanted to know if you'd do it again?

Name: Cheese7710

Skin name- (idk the real name, so I made one up) Drake-Light Form

Reference Pic:


I know a sword's not needed and there is no shield, but if you could make the rest?