Rarest car in the game? Yes please x3
Is that the Karin Fudo?
I think I got jumped by aliens on GTA V. Minding my own buisness pouring gasoline in traffic when 3 of these dune buggy looking things with like jet boosters on the back making weird buzzing noises ram into traffic. Some naked guy with a mask on takes me out of the car I try to get away in and they don't shoot me, they like pushed me down and started kicking me. Then they got into their weird cars and drove away.
And just like any alien sighting there's pictures
EDIT: Pretty simple to get too if you have 100k to insure it.
So what level/rank is everyone so far? I have barely gotten on but so far I am loving GTA Online. I just hit level 9. I know its low lmao.
I have no clue to be honest with you. Playing on my own makes the game repetitive incredibly fast.
" The Bad Sport penalty for destroying personal vehicles has been reduced significantly.
Players will no longer receive a Bad Sport penalty when they are in a non-moving tank and other players crash a vehicle into them."

Do they mean moving as in moving around but still able to rotate the canon? Or do they mean like idle/afk?

Also, fuck em. I used to feel cool with my Bohdi.. Now people can buy em >_<
so, rockstar's latest news, the next patch drops today which gives the beta for content creation which allows players to create races and deathmatches......but looks like we will not be getting heists until sometime in Q1 next year at the earliest....meh, looks like you will still need to be on the grind to get anything you want for now.