Gun and Gun Hobbiest thread revival

Firstly Strat, we try to keep away from political discussions in this thread. Yes I do understand that Gun Control is currently a hot topic in the media and there have been numerous gun control/ban laws go for vote in recent days, and because of this the price of guns and ammo has skyrocketed and it can be difficult to keep politics out of things, and with the piece that Vice just did on 3d printing parts for firearms does bring about further questions that should be asked....but this thread should not be a place to debate any of that with any members of this community. This thread is simply the gun hobbyist thread. There are several of us who enjoy firearms and the history that comes with them. We enjoy shooting sports, and the camaraderie that goes with them. So keep that bullshit out this thread.

I could say so much in response to your wall of text that really said nothing and left me wondering what your actual point was...but I wont, because again, this thread is not here to start arguments, it is here to allow those of us who do enjoy firearms to share our experiences, enjoy the hobby, to discuss new technologies(I.E. 3D printing), and to talk about all things guns.

so please, if you want to talk about what is new with Armalite, if you want to discuss the benefit of an ambidextrous lower receiver, if you have questions about anything related to firearms, firearm manufacturing, or customization options for said firearms, or anything else in relation to the thought of this thread, by all means, contribute to this thread....otherwise, there are plenty of other threads for you to contribute to.
Firstly Strat, we try to keep away from political discussions in this thread. Yes I do understand that Gun Control is currently a hot topic in the media and there have been numerous gun control/ban laws go for vote in recent days, and because of this the price of guns and ammo has skyrocketed and it can be difficult to keep politics out of things, and with the piece that Vice just did on 3d printing parts for firearms does bring about further questions that should be asked....but this thread should not be a place to debate any of that with any members of this community. This thread is simply the gun hobbyist thread. There are several of us who enjoy firearms and the history that comes with them. We enjoy shooting sports, and the camaraderie that goes with them. So keep that bullshit out this thread.

I could say so much in response to your wall of text that really said nothing and left me wondering what your actual point was...but I wont, because again, this thread is not here to start arguments, it is here to allow those of us who do enjoy firearms to share our experiences, enjoy the hobby, to discuss new technologies(I.E. 3D printing), and to talk about all things guns.

so please, if you want to talk about what is new with Armalite, if you want to discuss the benefit of an ambidextrous lower receiver, if you have questions about anything related to firearms, firearm manufacturing, or customization options for said firearms, or anything else in relation to the thought of this thread, by all means, contribute to this thread....otherwise, there are plenty of other threads for you to contribute to.

In defense of Stratadon, the video did have a political slant to it that is hard to ignore. His "rant" didn't seem all too inflammatory to me (perhaps because I'm a CA resident - the state with one of the most stringent gun laws in the US), and he did make some salient points for "both" sides of the issue (I say "both" because we like to use labels like "pro-gun" and "anti-gun" when there's really a whole spectrum of opinions spanning firearms issues).

That being said, I'll try to find content that is more apolitical next time.
In defense of Stratadon, the video did have a political slant to it that is hard to ignore. His "rant" didn't seem all too inflammatory to me (perhaps because I'm a CA resident - the state with one of the most stringent gun laws in the US), and he did make some salient points for "both" sides of the issue (I say "both" because we like to use labels like "pro-gun" and "anti-gun" when there's really a whole spectrum of opinions spanning firearms issues).

That being said, I'll try to find content that is more apolitical next time.

Ooz, the video is relavent to this thread, yes it does have a political edge to it, but I feel like it is mostly just showing off what can be done with the newer 3d printing technologies.....which should be taken at face value. Overall there is no way to completely avoid politics in this thread because it is currently a huge issue for the international media and damn near every politician is talking about the subject, and a little bit is fine, but strat's wall of text that is a little biased, somewhat ignorant,includes a bit of fear mongering, and ramblesjumps around from topic to topic.....completely unnecessary....there is a line when it comes to politics in this thread.
Ooz, the video is relavent to this thread, yes it does have a political edge to it, but I feel like it is mostly just showing off what can be done with the newer 3d printing technologies.....which should be taken at face value. Overall there is no way to completely avoid politics in this thread because it is currently a huge issue for the international media and damn near every politician is talking about the subject, and a little bit is fine, but strat's wall of text that is biased, somewhat ignorant, partial fear mongering, and just plain rambling.....completely unnecessary....there is a line when it comes to politics in this thread.

I understand your annoyance with my post. After reading the rest of the thread, I realized that this probably was not the best place to have posted my response to that video. That being said, however, I do not think your analysis of my writing is accurate. It was not plain rambling. I had an introduction and established what I was going to discuss, and then I systematically covered each of the 3 areas. I think your understanding of what a bias is is a bit liberal. There is no such thing as a bias in an argument. The objective of an argument is to provide your side of the story in a way that debunks and exposes folly of the opposing argument. A bias is only applicable in a situation where someone is supposed to be giving an educational or informative documentation of an event or controversy (like the media), but largely favors one side. Yes, my response was extremely opinionated, but in no way was it biased. I supported my claims with why I believe them. There was no expectation in my response that I would be providing equal views on the subject as a whole. I was merely expressing my opinions and why I believe it, largely from a moral and ethical standpoint that did not factor in an analysis of the constitution or political framework as to whether gun regulation is actual constitutional or legal in the given framework.
I understand your annoyance with my post. After reading the rest of the thread, I realized that this probably was not the best place to have posted my response to that video. That being said, however, I do not think your analysis of my writing is accurate. It was not plain rambling. I had an introduction and established what I was going to discuss, and then I systematically covered each of the 3 areas. I think your understanding of what a bias is is a bit liberal. There is no such thing as a bias in an argument. The objective of an argument is to provide your side of the story in a way that debunks and exposes folly of the opposing argument. A bias is only applicable in a situation where someone is supposed to be giving an educational or informative documentation of an event or controversy (like the media), but largely favors one side. Yes, my response was extremely opinionated, but in no way was it biased. I supported my claims with why I believe them. There was no expectation in my response that I would be providing equal views on the subject as a whole. I was merely expressing my opinions and why I believe it, largely from a moral and ethical standpoint that did not factor in an analysis of the constitution or political framework as to whether gun regulation is actual constitutional or legal in the given framework.

I've edited my last statement to better fit my meaning....original point still stands, just respectfully request to keep politics to a minimum in this thread...not annoyed, not angry, not overly upset...acause in the end, I heart you strat.
So yeah... the guy who was the subject of the VICE documentary has just made the first "all" 3-D printed gun.

Meet "The Liberator"


More info here:
Forbes Article "This Is The World's First Entirely 3D-Printed Gun (Photos)"

I can't seem to find specs on it (like what type of round it's chambered for), but even with any 9mm round, I'm kinda frightened about that thing blowing up on me.

Cosmetically, the grip looks ergonomically unfriendly (maybe it's just the angle), and someone should really put some gunmetal grey on that thing because it looks like a Nerf gun.

With the flaws aside, I think it's a huge tech advancement in gunsmithing. I think the main manufacturing challenges will be finding a suitable plastic that can bear the shock forces and impulses generated by recoil.

EDIT: Apparently, the gun is entirely plastic, except for the firing pin and a chunk of metal intentionally put in to ensure that it sets off metal detectors. With that said, I'll stick with guns manufactured in the traditional manner for the time being.
So yeah... the guy who was the subject of the VICE documentary has just made the first "all" 3-D printed gun.

Meet "The Liberator"


More info here:
Forbes Article "This Is The World's First Entirely 3D-Printed Gun (Photos)"

I can't seem to find specs on it (like what type of round it's chambered for), but even with any 9mm round, I'm kinda frightened about that thing blowing up on me.

Cosmetically, the grip looks ergonomically unfriendly (maybe it's just the angle), and someone should really put some gunmetal grey on that thing because it looks like a Nerf gun.

With the flaws aside, I think it's a huge tech advancement in gunsmithing. I think the main manufacturing challenges will be finding a suitable plastic that can bear the shock forces and impulses generated by recoil.

EDIT: Apparently, the gun is entirely plastic, except for the firing pin and a chunk of metal intentionally put in to ensure that it sets off metal detectors. With that said, I'll stick with guns manufactured in the traditional manner for the time being.

the thing about it is, if anybody can make one, than there is really no way to regulate it. as the technology advances for 3d printing, I would not doubt that the guns which are able to be printed will be larger with more components. the posibilities of this are endless and insane.
the thing about it is, if anybody can make one, than there is really no way to regulate it. as the technology advances for 3d printing, I would not doubt that the guns which are able to be printed will be larger with more components. the posibilities of this are endless and insane.
I wonder if the NRA will respond to it by saying that it needs to be regulated/stopped entirely (I will find it hilarious if they do), due to it not being associated with major gun-manufacturers.
I wonder if the NRA will respond to it by saying that it needs to be regulated/stopped entirely (I will find it hilarious if they do), due to it not being associated with major gun-manufacturers.

they can try, but at the rate that the technology is taking off. it will not be too long before we see those printers at officemax and used as part of day to day business for people and the thousands of applications it could be used for....there will be no way to regulate production of firearms like the liberator if overnight hundreds could be printed is both a scary and comforting thought.
they can try, but at the rate that the technology is taking off. it will not be too long before we see those printers at officemax and used as part of day to day business for people and the thousands of applications it could be used for....there will be no way to regulate production of firearms like the liberator if overnight hundreds could be printed is both a scary and comforting thought.

Ready to go halfsies on a 3D printer?

Glock 18s (EDIT: Missing fire-select switches until early next week) with drum magazines & a CZ Sa vz.58 in 5.56 with collapsing stock.


Several other non-modified G17s.
speaking of glocks... anyone had a chance to fire the Kriss Vector yet? Ever since I first found out about it I've been interested in it...
speaking of glocks... anyone had a chance to fire the Kriss Vector yet? Ever since I first found out about it I've been interested in it...

Yes, I own one! Very fun to shoot, not much to say.. Doesn't leave you with a bruised shoulder at the end of the day. The recoil system is very effective, you can stay on target easily after shots. At first it is awkward to shoot, as the design is so irregular and cool. Very accurate, I've had nice groupings at 25-30m easily. Haven't had a chance to fire one in automatic though. If you look back in this thread, I postd a picture some time ago.
Yes, I own one! Very fun to shoot, not much to say.. Doesn't leave you with a bruised shoulder at the end of the day. The recoil system is very effective, you can stay on target easily after shots. At first it is awkward to shoot, as the design is so irregular and cool. Very accurate, I've had nice groupings at 25-30m easily. Haven't had a chance to fire one in automatic though. If you look back in this thread, I postd a picture some time ago.

So I went back and looked and found it... I see you also have a .45 Glock, is it the 21 or 21SF? Also what mags are you running for the Kriss? 13 or 33? I'm in love with that gun. It's been my dream gun for the end of days (read zombie apocalypse) scenario. Well actually I have a "set up" in mind. What's the distance you've pushed it out to? In theory with steady enough hands and a good enough optics or eyes you could go 100 yards which is way more than what a .45 should be pushed out to, but OMG the capabilities! Love it!
So I went back and looked and found it... I see you also have a .45 Glock, is it the 21 or 21SF? Also what mags are you running for the Kriss? 13 or 33? I'm in love with that gun. It's been my dream gun for the end of days (read zombie apocalypse) scenario. Well actually I have a "set up" in mind. What's the distance you've pushed it out to? In theory with steady enough hands and a good enough optics or eyes you could go 100 yards which is way more than what a .45 should be pushed out to, but OMG the capabilities! Love it!

It's a Glock 21. For the Kriss, I use the standard Glock .45 mags and 20 shot high-cap .45 mags. For a zombie scenario, the G21 and Kriss is a optimal combo as you share the same mags and ammo.. Add a katana and you are set for all distances! Haha.
It's a Glock 21. For the Kriss, I use the standard Glock .45 mags and 20 shot high-cap .45 mags. For a zombie scenario, the G21 and Kriss is a optimal combo as you share the same mags and ammo.. Add a katana and you are set for all distances! Haha.

yeah I'd agree for the most part. maybe some upgraded optics... and something's in addition to the katana.

Here's just a few things in my "wish list" though they don't hit the gun/gun hobbiest topic, they're still worth a gander...

M-48 Apocalypse Spear
M-48 Apocalypse Walking Axe
M-48 Apocalypse Karambit
M-48 Apocalypse Tactical Tomahawk

And this final one is something I'd have to "modify" slightly for safety against some things like drips through the eyes and mouth, but I've already got plans for how to fix that :-D and you top it with a sturdy helmet with biteproof neck gaiter and you're good!
ABS Military Skeletal Soldier Full Face Mask