Halo 4

Le Spoiler Videos have now all been taken down :/ but at least I know what happens in the game. Too bad Colonel Sanders dies at the end. I did love that fried chicken...

Oh and while this is still up:

Campaign part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks, I'm watching the opening and I'm definitely not spoiling the ending, the first mission or the didact cutscene for myself. So if anyone discusses it please put a spoiler tag :D
Halo 4 Leaked?

The above videos, basically. It just doesn't feel like Halo anymore, with all the little add-ons they've done. Highly customized armor; a credit system; armor abilities; loadouts. If they start recycling maps again, it just gets monotonous. Even the art style is drastically different.

The old Halos were unique in that they blended a deep sci-fi plotline with FPS action. Obviously I can't speak for the story in Halo 4, but as they moved from Halo 3 to Reach (and now Reach to 4) it's felt more and more like some generic shooter.

Of course this is all opinion. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a decent game and I'll almost certainly buy it to see how 343 does and where the story goes. It's just feeling less and less like the earlier Halos with each release.

I completely agree with this. I wish they just would have stopped making the Halos instead of feeling the need to change it so much, as to not make it Halo anymore. My greatest memories from halo will always be from the first.
holy jesus, cinematic leaks and now lots of torrents for the whole game popping up left n right. This reminds me of when Half Life 2 was leaked. I mean seriously how does a studio manage this? How does something like Halo 4 get leaked, the whole goddamn game. :confused:
I don't mind spoiling a game for myself. For anyone that watches the last video I posted on my spoilers list, the guy playing the campaign is such a noob, he doesn't even know how to jump.
The above videos, basically. It just doesn't feel like Halo anymore, with all the little add-ons they've done. Highly customized armor; a credit system; armor abilities; loadouts. If they start recycling maps again, it just gets monotonous. Even the art style is drastically different.

The old Halos were unique in that they blended a deep sci-fi plotline with FPS action. Obviously I can't speak for the story in Halo 4, but as they moved from Halo 3 to Reach (and now Reach to 4) it's felt more and more like some generic shooter.

Of course this is all opinion. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a decent game and I'll almost certainly buy it to see how 343 does and where the story goes. It's just feeling less and less like the earlier Halos with each release.

I completely agree with this. I wish they just would have stopped making the Halos instead of feeling the need to change it so much, as to not make it Halo anymore. My greatest memories from halo will always be from the first.

Oh for fuck sake. That's it, I'm gonna write out a cover of this fucking topic because I am getting sick of people complaining and how the game is changing..

Now honestly would you all REALLY want it to be like Halo 3 or the old games? I mean seriously. If they did, the game would flop. You would all complain it didn't change and compare it to Cod and you all are still comparing it to cod. It would fail. Stop bitching on the fact that the game has changed. It was fucking inevitable. The game is going to take a drastic change for every Halo and always has.







This is the time of gaming we live in. A game can now go well and beyond a special feeling that a game holds, and still have it. Halo has changed accordingly and have so and I see no bloody problem with the way the game looks. Also, how do you all even know how it "feels". You all haven't even played it yet. (Although I think Jhawk did but 95% of the people complaining about the "feel" haven't even touched the game yet)

with all the little add-ons they've done. Highly customized armor; a credit system; armor abilities; loadouts. If they start recycling maps again,

The hell is wrong with this? No really, why is this a problem? Customization has been in every game minus Halo 1 and slowly adapted to something a tad more advanced and ranged. Its nothing new and something being "too highly customizable" is ridiculous and it isn't. It has advanced with each game and has accordingly. And concerning the credit system I am confused why you would hate is considering it is a combination of Halo 3.

Copy pasta from 343 forums

Basically, they have merged the Halo 3 and Halo: Reach ranking systems. They have brought back EXP and credits. Credits, as you may know, are now called Spartan Points. How this works, is that you earn EXP the same as you do for Halo 3, for every kill, assist, headshot, and mostly anything you can think of worth anything. Now, Spartan Points are handed out differently. Instead of getting them after each game, you get a set amount upon every time you rank up. Spartan Points are redeemable for weapons, armor, equipment, and other things for your custom loadout.

Now, I understand some of you may be confused with the merging of the 1-50 numbers and the symbols from reach. Before I explain, think; Have you ever counted the ranks in Halo: Reach? If so, you would know they lead up to the number 50. 1 being recruit, 50 being inheritor. So basically, with your numbered rank, you get the corresponding Halo: Reach symbol. For example, lets say you just got the game, and you are 1-Recruit. You would then, once you get the EXP, will rank up to 2-Private. And all the way through to 50-Inheritor.

This is exactly like Halo 3s and you get rewarded for efforts in a equally rewarding way with points. And concerning Loadouts, they are a product adaptation of armor abilities. Both of which add there advantages and pleasure and disadvantages to the game.

-Thruster Pack

Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap.

Less annoying then the roll thing from Halo Reach.

-Promethean Vision

Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces.

It's limited and its really no different then the radar and limits and obscures your view.

Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat.

Sucked in Halo reach and hardly fooled anyone but idiots, same for this as seen in gameplay.
-Jet Pack

Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs.

I see very few downsides to this due to the fact that it was fucking awesome addition in Halo Reach

-Hard Light Shield

Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives.

It also very slow on turning, can easily be destroyed within a few seconds or a grenade blast.

-Active Camouflage

Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility.

This has been in almost every halo and is ridiculous to complain about.


An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point.

Autosentry is a stationary bot that shoots at enemies, fairly powerful. Vulnerable while deploying. Lasts about 30 sec, easily destroyed. It's also limited to certain game modes.

-Regeneration Field

Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Limited to certain game modes.

The game is fun with these but were flawed in Halo Reach. I have no knowledge how they play but they dont seem as bad as you all make it out to be.

And another thing.

If they start recycling maps again,
ONE MAP. ONE. And it's of my all time favorite Halo 3 map. Not to mention the irony of this statement. You complain that it doesn't feel like the original but if they bring back stuff FROM THOSE EXACT THINGS YOU WANT, you are annoyed by it.

I just think you are trying to make the game seem bad. You and pretty much everyone has been focusing on everything about this game as negatively as you all possible could. I really haven't seen any of you say anything good about this game. You all seem too swayed by the want for the old halos when you want turn around and look at the awesome aspects of the game. Thats gonna ruin the game for you in whole. Stop going at this game with disappointment. Go at this game with high expectations and hope and when the game comes out, then tell me that it is or isn't what you want cause as of now all the people complaining are just sitting with your hipster glasses and will only be pleased if NOTHING changed. Also I recommend a good game suggestion for those who like games that never change.

Stop looking at the the negatives of the game and look at the positive cause that is all you all have done. Stop hanging onto the past games like a fucking hipster and realize the game is changing accordingly and this is just the evolution of gaming in general. Start judging this game like you know the game inside and out and wait for fuck sake.
Oh for fuck sake. That's it, I'm gonna write out a cover of this fucking topic because I am getting sick of people complaining and how the game is changing..

Now honestly would you all REALLY want it to be like Halo 3 or the old games? I mean seriously. If they did, the game would flop. You would all complain it didn't change and compare it to Cod and you all are still comparing it to cod. It would fail. Stop bitching on the fact that the game has changed. It was fucking inevitable. The game is going to take a drastic change for every Halo and always has.







This is the time of gaming we live in. A game can now go well and beyond a special feeling that a game holds, and still have it. Halo has changed accordingly and have so and I see no bloody problem with the way the game looks. Also, how do you all even know how it "feels". You all haven't even played it yet. (Although I think Jhawk did but 95% of the people complaining about the "feel" haven't even touched the game yet)

The hell is wrong with this? No really, why is this a problem? Customization has been in every game minus Halo 1 and slowly adapted to something a tad more advanced and ranged. Its nothing new and something being "too highly customizable" is ridiculous and it isn't. It has advanced with each game and has accordingly. And concerning the credit system I am confused why you would hate is considering it is a combination of Halo 3.

Copy pasta from 343 forums

Basically, they have merged the Halo 3 and Halo: Reach ranking systems. They have brought back EXP and credits. Credits, as you may know, are now called Spartan Points. How this works, is that you earn EXP the same as you do for Halo 3, for every kill, assist, headshot, and mostly anything you can think of worth anything. Now, Spartan Points are handed out differently. Instead of getting them after each game, you get a set amount upon every time you rank up. Spartan Points are redeemable for weapons, armor, equipment, and other things for your custom loadout.

Now, I understand some of you may be confused with the merging of the 1-50 numbers and the symbols from reach. Before I explain, think; Have you ever counted the ranks in Halo: Reach? If so, you would know they lead up to the number 50. 1 being recruit, 50 being inheritor. So basically, with your numbered rank, you get the corresponding Halo: Reach symbol. For example, lets say you just got the game, and you are 1-Recruit. You would then, once you get the EXP, will rank up to 2-Private. And all the way through to 50-Inheritor.

This is exactly like Halo 3s and you get rewarded for efforts in a equally rewarding way with points. And concerning Loadouts, they are a product adaptation of armor abilities. Both of which add there advantages and pleasure and disadvantages to the game.

-Thruster Pack

Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap.

Less annoying then the roll thing from Halo Reach.

-Promethean Vision

Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces.

It's limited and its really no different then the radar and limits and obscures your view.

Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat.

Sucked in Halo reach and hardly fooled anyone but idiots, same for this as seen in gameplay.
-Jet Pack

Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs.

I see very few downsides to this due to the fact that it was fucking awesome addition in Halo Reach

-Hard Light Shield

Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives.

It also very slow on turning, can easily be destroyed within a few seconds or a grenade blast.

-Active Camouflage

Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility.

This has been in almost every halo and is ridiculous to complain about.


An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point.

Autosentry is a stationary bot that shoots at enemies, fairly powerful. Vulnerable while deploying. Lasts about 30 sec, easily destroyed. It's also limited to certain game modes.

-Regeneration Field

Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Limited to certain game modes.

The game is fun with these but were flawed in Halo Reach. I have no knowledge how they play but they dont seem as bad as you all make it out to be.

And another thing.

ONE MAP. ONE. And it's of my all time favorite Halo 3 map. Not to mention the irony of this statement. You complain that it doesn't feel like the original but if they bring back stuff FROM THOSE EXACT THINGS YOU WANT, you are annoyed by it.

I just think you are trying to make the game seem bad. You and pretty much everyone has been focusing on everything about this game as negatively as you all possible could. I really haven't seen any of you say anything good about this game. You all seem too swayed by the want for the old halos when you want turn around and look at the awesome aspects of the game. Thats gonna ruin the game for you in whole. Stop going at this game with disappointment. Go at this game with high expectations and hope and when the game comes out, then tell me that it is or isn't what you want cause as of now all the people complaining are just sitting with your hipster glasses and will only be pleased if NOTHING changed. Also I recommend a good game suggestion for those who like games that never change.

Stop looking at the the negatives of the game and look at the positive cause that is all you all have done. Stop hanging onto the past games like a fucking hipster and realize the game is changing accordingly and this is just the evolution of gaming in general. Start judging this game like you know the game inside and out and wait for fuck sake.

What I LIKED about the halo iterations is how they changed themselves enough to give each game a unique style and play, while still retaining what made halo, halo. But how far can that go before it becomes something else entirely? I don't feel like a game should change because it has to adapt to the industry or genre. I feel it should make a brand all it's own, which Halo has. And that's where it's uniqueness was. I'm not saying that this game will be bad, or that I won't enjoy it at all, or that the changes will destroy everything. I just feel that this newest game is a little unnecessary.

No one speaks for everyone. And I don't think generalizing everyone into one mindset is the correct way to make everyone fall in love with this reboot. Let alone insulting them.
No one speaks for everyone. And I don't think generalizing everyone into one mindset is the correct way to make everyone fall in love with this reboot. Let alone insulting them.

Eh, I wasn't trying to and it only applies to those I'm referring to and was referring to a lot of things in general which is why I was being indirect with that. And the insult was because I'm tired of seeing ONLY people complain about the game being different and that on the game in this thread, and I do regret it. However I agree with you and its all a matter of preference. Personally I love the change and the way the games going. But I disagree with this,
But how far can that go before it becomes something else entirely? I don't feel like a game should change because it has to adapt to the industry or genre.

Because it isn't. A game can change without doing this, which I think halo has. Nearly if not all these changing aspects have existed and worked before the current industry and gaming genre, it is simple more common in todays that it is a common addition, not some game ruining aspect. Halo will always be unique and will always be halo. You strip away half the graphics and textures and punch the engine a few times and its the halo you started with. However its the change of Halo that I love. I have never complained about a Halo being too similar. And this is a good thing. Imagine how bad a game would be if all you could say is it hasn't changed.

Halo, personally for me, is changing for the better and its not changing to the industry or the genre. It's changing with the technology. It always has. Technology allows the game to do more then the last, and that alone is the change that I love about halo. Thats where I think people get the 2 mixed up.

I just feel that this newest game is a little unnecessary.
I agree.
Oh for fuck sake. That's it, I'm gonna write out a cover of this fucking topic because I am getting sick of people complaining and how the game is changing..

Now honestly would you all REALLY want it to be like Halo 3 or the old games? I mean seriously. If they did, the game would flop. You would all complain it didn't change and compare it to Cod and you all are still comparing it to cod. It would fail. Stop bitching on the fact that the game has changed. It was fucking inevitable. The game is going to take a drastic change for every Halo and always has.







This is the time of gaming we live in. A game can now go well and beyond a special feeling that a game holds, and still have it. Halo has changed accordingly and have so and I see no bloody problem with the way the game looks. Also, how do you all even know how it "feels". You all haven't even played it yet. (Although I think Jhawk did but 95% of the people complaining about the "feel" haven't even touched the game yet)

The hell is wrong with this? No really, why is this a problem? Customization has been in every game minus Halo 1 and slowly adapted to something a tad more advanced and ranged. Its nothing new and something being "too highly customizable" is ridiculous and it isn't. It has advanced with each game and has accordingly. And concerning the credit system I am confused why you would hate is considering it is a combination of Halo 3.

Copy pasta from 343 forums

Basically, they have merged the Halo 3 and Halo: Reach ranking systems. They have brought back EXP and credits. Credits, as you may know, are now called Spartan Points. How this works, is that you earn EXP the same as you do for Halo 3, for every kill, assist, headshot, and mostly anything you can think of worth anything. Now, Spartan Points are handed out differently. Instead of getting them after each game, you get a set amount upon every time you rank up. Spartan Points are redeemable for weapons, armor, equipment, and other things for your custom loadout.

Now, I understand some of you may be confused with the merging of the 1-50 numbers and the symbols from reach. Before I explain, think; Have you ever counted the ranks in Halo: Reach? If so, you would know they lead up to the number 50. 1 being recruit, 50 being inheritor. So basically, with your numbered rank, you get the corresponding Halo: Reach symbol. For example, lets say you just got the game, and you are 1-Recruit. You would then, once you get the EXP, will rank up to 2-Private. And all the way through to 50-Inheritor.

This is exactly like Halo 3s and you get rewarded for efforts in a equally rewarding way with points. And concerning Loadouts, they are a product adaptation of armor abilities. Both of which add there advantages and pleasure and disadvantages to the game.

-Thruster Pack

Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap.

Less annoying then the roll thing from Halo Reach.

-Promethean Vision

Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces.

It's limited and its really no different then the radar and limits and obscures your view.

Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat.

Sucked in Halo reach and hardly fooled anyone but idiots, same for this as seen in gameplay.
-Jet Pack

Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs.

I see very few downsides to this due to the fact that it was fucking awesome addition in Halo Reach

-Hard Light Shield

Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives.

It also very slow on turning, can easily be destroyed within a few seconds or a grenade blast.

-Active Camouflage

Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility.

This has been in almost every halo and is ridiculous to complain about.


An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point.

Autosentry is a stationary bot that shoots at enemies, fairly powerful. Vulnerable while deploying. Lasts about 30 sec, easily destroyed. It's also limited to certain game modes.

-Regeneration Field

Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Limited to certain game modes.

The game is fun with these but were flawed in Halo Reach. I have no knowledge how they play but they dont seem as bad as you all make it out to be.

And another thing.

ONE MAP. ONE. And it's of my all time favorite Halo 3 map. Not to mention the irony of this statement. You complain that it doesn't feel like the original but if they bring back stuff FROM THOSE EXACT THINGS YOU WANT, you are annoyed by it.

I just think you are trying to make the game seem bad. You and pretty much everyone has been focusing on everything about this game as negatively as you all possible could. I really haven't seen any of you say anything good about this game. You all seem too swayed by the want for the old halos when you want turn around and look at the awesome aspects of the game. Thats gonna ruin the game for you in whole. Stop going at this game with disappointment. Go at this game with high expectations and hope and when the game comes out, then tell me that it is or isn't what you want cause as of now all the people complaining are just sitting with your hipster glasses and will only be pleased if NOTHING changed. Also I recommend a good game suggestion for those who like games that never change.

Stop looking at the the negatives of the game and look at the positive cause that is all you all have done. Stop hanging onto the past games like a fucking hipster and realize the game is changing accordingly and this is just the evolution of gaming in general. Start judging this game like you know the game inside and out and wait for fuck sake.
I'm not about to dissect this entire counter-argument (and frankly was surprised to see it quoted from several pages back). The fact that one can't have an opinion without being cussed out is rather sad though.
I'm not about to dissect this entire counter-argument (and frankly was surprised to see it quoted from several pages back). The fact that one can't have an opinion without being cussed out is rather sad though.
I respect your opinion entirely. Any anger was not direct at you, merely at the topic in general. And if it was directed at you, then I still stand by it but apologize. I was simply presenting the counter to your opinion on it. I only quoted your comment as to point out my argument for the topic, I mean no disrespect to you. I am just tired of the same thing being brought up and no opinion from the opposition to follow it. Thats all I'm posting it for, despite what backlash I might I get from it.

Also apparently I hope what is covered in the spoiler is not true (could possibly spoil part of the ending of the game - view at own discretion)
Apparently they Show John's face in the legendary ending of the game, I haven't seen the ending myself because I wan't to stay spoiler free for the next 2-3 weeks, they probably won't though./Spoiler]