Halo 4

So you're saying it's better to have a legion of 7 year-old assholes playing a game, compared to a serious, and much more mature, group of players on a game? Smart.

Also, if you're going to use a word to describe something, make sure you know what it means.
'Retarded' (Yes, I corrected you) means 'slow', not 'stupid'
1: I'm in a party so I can't even hear them.
2: Small children are FLOURISH in online gaming in general.
3: You know what I mean about retarted. No need to add on to your post if I obviously know what it means.
1: I'm in a party so I can't even hear them.
2: Small children are FLOURISH in online gaming in general.
3: You know what I mean about retarted. No need to add on to your post if I obviously know what it means.
Not kidding. Cod doesnt change at all so I can stay good at it in every game they make.
Honestly, my opinion on it is, they're best off doing that. Every game franchise is almost killing itself with atleast one retarted addition they make. They just play it safe.
1: I'm in a party so I can't even hear them.
2: Small children are FLOURISH in online gaming in general.
3: You know what I mean about retarted. No need to add on to your post if I obviously know what it means.

1: Ok, now this is just getting childish. Being on an XBOX party, does not change anything, except for the fact that you can't hear them. That doesn't mean they aren't there.

2: Personally, I don't think children should be sitting in front of a fucking TV, playing online, hearing all of the racial, homophobic, and sexist comments that comes out of games like COD. It's just not right.

3: You still got the word wrong, with spell check AND me correcting you? Also, you can't say shit about me adding to my post, when you added to your post yourself. If you knew that I knew what the intended message was, it would've been better to cut that part out, instead of making yourself look like a fucking hypocrite.
1: Ok, now this is just getting childish. Being on an XBOX party, does not change anything, except for the fact that you can't hear them. That doesn't mean they aren't there.

2: Personally, I don't think children should be sitting in front of a fucking TV, playing online, hearing all of the racial, homophobic, and sexist comments that comes out of games like COD. It's just not right.

3: You still got the word wrong, with spell check AND me correcting you? Also, you can't say shit about me adding to my post, when you added to your post yourself. If you knew that I knew what the intended message was, it would've been better to cut that part out, instead of making yourself look like a fucking hypocrite.
1. I still beat them so idgaf
2. Welcome to the present
3. wth are you mad at
Now before you quote my post:
-Everyone did a mega shit when I said I like call of duty
-I never said halo blows, I said imo it's going in the wrong direction
-chill the hell out
Just like every COD noob. As long as you beat them, it doesn't matter.

Honestly, you're going to defend all that bullshit with 'Welcome to the present'? Pathetic.

You think I'm mad? Pfffft.
I wonder why you think I'm a cod person against halo. I bet you just skimmed and saw cod and started flaming me.
If I missed something from this thread, then you know what - sue me.

However, you watched the gameplay video for an unreleased game, and you judged the game from that. They skim through the game, to show interested players a taste of the game. Like many players have said, wait until the fucking game come out, try it for a bit, and then you can judge it any way you want.
I honestly can't take anyone seriously if they have fucking x'es before their name.
I've got nothing against CoD, honestly.
But fucking esh lads with crazy stupid names like "xXxXAwesomeCuntSniperProNiggerKing908765XxXx"...


RSMV might be a video but he has no x'es and so I go with his arguement.
I honestly can't take anyone seriously if they have fucking x'es before their name.
I've got nothing against CoD, honestly.
But fucking esh lads with crazy stupid names like "xXxXAwesomeCuntSniperProNiggerKing908765XxXx"...


RSMV might be a video but he has no x'es and so I go with his arguement.
But I have 2 x's. Not ridiculous.
Probably a better way to convince someone to try a game they say they won't like is by pointing out some of the enhancements to the game, and how they will make the game more fun, and how it will affect that person directly.

The not-so-good way to convince someone to try a game they say they won't like is by insulting their intelligence, their preference for games, and fanboy-like rants against said person.

You guys should try the former, not the latter.
I love the new specializations thing. No more rush for sniper and rocket... You and your friends can have different specializations and use their unique abilities to actually have a functional team for once!