Halo 4

Veni, Vidi...


(i wonder how many of this thread's participants still have a pr0nz collection.)
The life of this thread:

Halo4 is coming! Yay! Speculations/hopes/wants for game go here!

Sneak peaks of game! Uncertainty, complaints, some positive feedback\

My Halo penis is bigger than your Halo penis!

More leaked footage! More complaints!

Rants about people complaining!

Official video! This thread is now covered in semen.
The life of this thread:

Halo4 is coming! Yay! Speculations/hopes/wants for game go here!

Sneak peaks of game! Uncertainty, complaints, some positive feedback\

My Halo penis is bigger than your Halo penis!

More leaked footage! More complaints!

Rants about people complaining!

Official video! This thread is now covered in semen.
You should see the AC3 thread. It started with semen and the semen is still flowing.

Awakening - Track 1

Belly of the Beast - Track 2

Requiem - Track 3

Legacy - Track 4

Faithless - Track 5

Haven - Track 6

Nemesis - Track 7

Ascendancy - Track 8

Solace - Track 9

To Galaxy - Track 10
(My fucking favorite)

Immaterial - Track 11

117 - Track 12

Revival - Track 14
(OMFG 5:30 onward! HOLY FUCK)

Awakening (Gui Boratto Remix) - Track 16


Awakening - Track 1

Belly of the Beast - Track 2

Requiem - Track 3

Legacy - Track 4

Faithless - Track 5

Haven - Track 6

Nemesis - Track 7

Ascendancy - Track 8

Solace - Track 9

To Galaxy - Track 10
(My fucking favorite)

Immaterial - Track 11

117 - Track 12

One does not simply listen to these tracks without blasting jizz o.o

Awakening - Track 1

Belly of the Beast - Track 2

Requiem - Track 3

Legacy - Track 4

Faithless - Track 5

Haven - Track 6

Nemesis - Track 7

Ascendancy - Track 8

Solace - Track 9

To Galaxy - Track 10
(My fucking favorite)

Immaterial - Track 11

117 - Track 12

Revival - Track 14
(OMFG 5:30 onward! HOLY FUCK)

Awakening (Gui Boratto Remix) - Track 16

WHERE are the video's? I WANT MY VIDEOS!

Awakening - Track 1

Belly of the Beast - Track 2

Requiem - Track 3

Legacy - Track 4

Faithless - Track 5

Haven - Track 6

Nemesis - Track 7

Ascendancy - Track 8

Solace - Track 9

To Galaxy - Track 10
(My fucking favorite)

Immaterial - Track 11

117 - Track 12

Revival - Track 14
(OMFG 5:30 onward! HOLY FUCK)

Awakening (Gui Boratto Remix) - Track 16

Ummmm.....removed by user -_-
So many games coming out,
And I've pre-ordered none of them.

I'll just buy them on the day or something.
They were selling Halo wallets and T-shirts at GameStop today! Still no word of a mid-night release...