Halo 4

>don't spray and pray
I got my copy 9 hours ago and i've got to say the multiplayer is excellent. If you had any doubts that 343 would ruin your halo experience they should be cleared. Albeit not being able to access the content you want for your loadout is annoying.

Also a heads up, when you receive the game install the first disc onto your xbox. After that swap to the second disc as it contains all the multiplayer content, install it to your console in game and then you only need the first disc to access all of halo 4's features.

I will point out that i haven't played the campaign yet but having to be on waypoint to access terminals is annoying.
I got my copy 9 hours ago and i've got to say the multiplayer is excellent. If you had any doubts that 343 would ruin your halo experience they should be cleared. Albeit not being able to access the content you want for your loadout is annoying.

Also a heads up, when you receive the game install the first disc onto your xbox. After that swap to the second disc as it contains all the multiplayer content, install it to your console in game and then you only need the first disc to access all of halo 4's features.

I will point out that i haven't played the campaign yet but having to be on waypoint to access terminals is annoying.
You lucky bastard. >.<

I will point out that i haven't played the campaign yet but having to be on waypoint to access terminals is annoying.
You lucky bastard. >.<


From what i've read online and what a friend who has found terminals in the campaign already is that you have to go into halo waypoint to view the terminal itself, unlike in Halo: CEA where you could load the video content in game.

Also you're missing out on a large part of the games story if you haven't read the books and found the terminals (they provide backstory for the didact and your main ally (I'm assuming the librarian or Mendicant Bias) from what i've been told.
From what i've read online and what a friend who has found terminals in the campaign already is that you have to go into halo waypoint to view the terminal itself, unlike in Halo: CEA where you could load the video content in game.

Also you're missing out on a large part of the games story if you haven't read the books and found the terminals (they provide backstory for the didact and your main ally (I'm assuming the librarian or Mendicant Bias) from what i've been told.
Also, is there a book I haven't read that covered the didact or are they totally new?
Also, is there a book I haven't read that covered the didact or are they totally new?

Cryptum/Primordium/Silentium(future release)/Bit of the thursday war and i think the rest of the backstory is from the terminals in Halo 3/CEA/4.
Mr. Sark from Machinima went so far as to say that this game is better than Halo 2 on the Machinima Live Stream. i will be a happy camper after I pick this game up.
I pick up my limited edition tomorrow once I get off work. I Have a four day weekend, and I plan to play the fuck out of Halo 4. Anyone who wants to is welcome to join me, but I will be starting the campaign first and playing through that on Legendary. My gamertag is WrathfulGinger.

I probably won't actually start playing until Friday, so if you have to wait a few days to get the game, then it works out.

EDIT: If you add my gamertag, please send me a message so I know who you are. If your name is the same, then don't worry about it, otherwise I will ignore the requests of friends.
I pick up my limited edition tomorrow once I get off work. I Have a four day weekend, and I plan to play the fuck out of Halo 4. Anyone who wants to is welcome to join me, but I will be starting the campaign first and playing through that on Legendary. My gamertag is WrathfulGinger.

I probably won't actually start playing until Friday, so if you have to wait a few days to get the game, then it works out.

EDIT: If you add my gamertag, please send me a message so I know who you are. If your name is the same, then don't worry about it, otherwise I will ignore the requests of friends.

Sent you a request. Accept it. It is inevitable.
The didact is one ugly motherfucker......and you'll definitely need to read the books before playing the game, as you'll be missing out on the deeper plot and a shit ton of backstory.
I'll probably get it soon,
Didn't pre-order, didn't scrounge up the money in time.
Probably gonna get it tomorrow.
Just finished the campaign..

Fuck I shed a few tears... Something I noticed that fleshed out this game on a whole new level was the emotion. Granted Master Chiefs voice doesn't flesh out much of it but hearing the desperation in his voice/his words is heartbreaking throughout the whole campaign. Also the facial expressions on the people is incredible in the game. I am definitely happy with the way 343 went with everything.

The didact is one ugly motherfucker......and you'll definitely need to read the books before playing the game, as you'll be missing out on the deeper plot and a shit ton of backstory.
I'll probably read them in a bit to get the backstory. Still regardless,

I can't believe she's gone...