How about another game of Corrupt a Wish? :D

Granted, but the scientist that made you couldn't hear well. You are now a psyborg.

I wish for google glasses that are not ugly when I put them on.
Granted, but they are now surgically attached to your skull and you can't ever take a shower again in fear of being electrocuted.

I wish to win the game (Which you all just lost :D)
Granted, but you are shot dead by a group of renegades immediately afterward. Also, no one ever learns of your victory of the elusive The Game

I wish this wish doesn't get corrupted
Granted, but you get corrupted instead, MAKING THE WHOLE WORLD BECOME INGULFED IN A BREN FLAME AND KILLS EVERYONE! MUAHAHAHAHAHA also that wish is very unoriginal to shame sir.

I wish to be original. (trololol)
Granted, but Hollywood milks you for all you're worth and now everyone either hates you or is clinging on to the good days. Kinda like the Aliens franchise.

I wish Karl Urban won an Oscar for some future role.
that wish is very unoriginal to shame sir.
Well screw you too buddy
Granted, however you are not a cat so you tied to a log and used as a scratching post for all eternity. Eventually, you go crazy because of this and your brain just tells you that you are scratching post and shuts off completely.

I wish Tien did something important in the DBZ series.
Granted, however you are not a cat so you tied to a log and used as a scratching post for all eternity. Eventually, you go crazy because of this and your brain just tells you that you are scratching post and shuts off completely.

I wish Tien did something important in the DBZ series.
Granted, but that important thing is killing Goku.

I wish my dog would stop making fun of me.
Tough it out, animals are dicks. Wish not granted.

I wish .ey'd re-air Ed Edd n' Eddy

FUCK YEAH! Tien kills Goku! Love that outcome dude.

They already do, i think its around noon EST, so your is invalid.

I wish Sword Art Online was airing at an earlier time
granted, but toonami did this without permission from the main board, so it's canceled the week after.

I wish for an hev suit from half life
Granted, but you're to weak to wear it.

I wish Johnny Knoxville would make a movie where he stayed in his Irving Zisman character all movie- OH WAIT HE IS! FUCK YEA!
So I wish for the extinction of grizzly bears.
Granted, but you're to weak to wear it.

I wish Johnny Knoxville would make a movie where he stayed in his Irving Zisman character all movie- OH WAIT HE IS! FUCK YEA!
So I wish for the extinction of grizzly bears.
Granted, they evolve into Volibears and LOLROFLSTOMP all the heck over you while you're trying to top lane in a freaking MOBA Game made by the worst game producers at balancing games since Blizzard themselves!


I wish for a pet lobster.
Granted, they evolve into Volibears and LOLROFLSTOMP all the heck over you while you're trying to top lane in a freaking MOBA Game made by the worst game producers at balancing games since Blizzard themselves!


I wish for a pet lobster.

Granted, you and your lobster form an inseparable bond, becoming the best of friends which will span the course of 5 and a half years, until one day your parents discover a lobster and decide to have it for dinner. Despite all your cries and pleas to save your friend, they throw it in the scalding hot pot. While you witness this, you see the lobster shed a single tear as it "screams" in agony. your family then, after an hour or so, eat your friend, while you sit there, heart torn unto, in despair.

I wish I was amazing at drawing