I'm in school.

Ustulo said:
If you can pull off a "C" they'll let you in. IB is usually an addition to a normal school, nothing private or anything.

I make all A's and high B's. If I got a C my dad takes away ALL of my videogames (which includes phone, computer and going to a friends house to play video games)
I make all A's and high B's. If I got a C my dad takes away ALL of my videogames (which includes phone, computer and going to a friends house to play video games)
If you can do that, it shouldn't be all that hard to get in. Plus, if you go through the whole program, most colleges (other than the dick schools and the most elite ones) let you skip your freshman year.
Ustulo said:
If you can do that, it shouldn't be all that hard to get in. Plus, if you go through the whole program, most colleges (other than the dick schools and the most elite ones) let you skip your freshman year.

Meh.. I think I'll stick with a private school... Or sign up to be an exchange student and go to England like KC, I have wanted to do that for a looooooooonng time.
Still. I want to use a laptop at school so I can herpderp on the computer, and NOT have to read the bible.
We don't read the Bible at a Christian school.

All it means is that one assessable subject is 'Religion' - which doesn't just involve Christianity... It also covers Ethics, and also studies other religions.

Sure, every so often we have a Mass, and some teachers like to read a prayer before we start the lesson... But I'll think you'll find that most of the time, it's just a school. Heck, most of my friends are athiest.
Vorsprung said:
We don't read the Bible at a Christian school.

All it means is that one assessable subject is 'Religion' - which doesn't just involve Christianity... It also covers Ethics, and also studies other religions.

Sure, every so often we have a Mass, and some teachers like to read a prayer before we start the lesson... But I'll think you'll find that most of the time, it's just a school. Heck, most of my friends are athiest.

I think I'll just ditch the assemblies and go herpderp. I'm really not interested in that stuff.
Meh.. I think I'll stick with a private school... Or sign up to be an exchange student and go to England like KC, I have wanted to do that for a looooooooonng time.
Been doing that since I was five :thumbsup:
Exchanged to...
1. The Netherlands (like 4 times)
2. Thailand
3. Australia
4. Japan

Hoping for teh england next, or another trip to the Netherlands.
Ustulo said:
Been doing that since I was five :thumbsup:
Exchanged to...
1. The Netherlands (like 4 times)
2. Thailand
3. Australia
4. Japan

Hoping for teh england next, or another trip to the Netherlands.

Jealous, I am.
Jealous, I am.
The problem is that I've never been to one of the places long enough to learn the language, on my second trip to the Netherlands, I began speaking Dutch, but forgot it after returning to the US, and Thailand and Japan I could hardly begin to understand things.
Ustulo said:
The problem is that I've never been to one of the places long enough to learn the language, on my second trip to the Netherlands, I began speaking Dutch, but forgot it after returning to the US, and Thailand and Japan I could hardly begin to understand things.

Still very jealous, I am.

Talking like yoda I am.
Still. I want to use a laptop at school so I can herpderp on the computer, and NOT have to read the bible.
Catholic schools almost never read the bible, we read a couple of verses in like year 7 but apart from that we havent touched it once.
I think I'll just ditch the assemblies and go herpderp. I'm really not interested in that stuff.
For one: you're not a toughnut, so don't even go there, poindexter.

Secondly: I'd say that at just about all private schools... If you did that, you would be suspended almost instantly.
You don't get a choice.
Everyone in my year is given a netbook by the school. Of course, they're (supposed to be) for schoolwork... But more often than not, they are used for Halo: CE and Urban Terror (and in my case, T9K).
Ours are used for CoD 4 and minecraft. Most codders don't play minecraft, and most minecrafters don't play CoD. I do both.
Ours are used for CoD 4 and minecraft. Most codders don't play minecraft, and most minecrafters don't play CoD. I do both.
Heh. They block Minecraft, and the netbooks are too shit to play CoD 4.
Heh. They block Minecraft, and the netbooks are too shit to play CoD 4.
Do they use a program called LanSchool? NetBox Blue? LanSchool?

Those are nightmares. BTW, mc isn't blocked using the .jar launcher. Get it from the downloads page under Linux/Other.
Do they use a program called LanSchool? NetBox Blue? LanSchool?

Those are nightmares. BTW, mc isn't blocked using the .jar launcher. Get it from the downloads page under Linux/Other.
BlueReef makes me want to shoot myself, it automatically blocked the Minecraft website for "Cartoon violence / pornography"...
I love HATE how they blocked newgrounds for pornography at my school

Also my dad is making me go to church again so I don't think the religious studies will be that bad. Anyways, I do get out of school an hour early if I go there. But I have to wake up earlier. Worth it or not?
Last year, I did a report on fair trade coffee, and a site with tons of pictures of coffee beans was blocked for pornography.

I asked about it, websites with excess amounts of tan or brown are instantly blocked, because it is too "skinny."