League of Legends Thread

I believe I didn't fully put all my info so I shall again this time.

Username: MannerlyHighbrow

Champions Owned:Morgana, Diana, Ezreal, Garen

Roles Preferred: AP/AD Carry. Can Offtank

Note: Cannot Jungle (Working on that) Usually prefer not tanking

As of this second I am Level 20.

I will play any gametype or map.
Username: Alimber

Champions Owned: A lot

Roles Preferred: AP mid, AD carry, Jungler

Preferred Map/Arrangements: Summoners Rift - 5v5

I main Veigar, Ahri, Ryze, Sivir, Ezreal, Twisted Fate (AP), Maokai, Skarner
Username: Pyrofiredelta

Champions Owned: None, about to get Ashe and saving for Varus and Brand

Preferred Roles: Range, only played Range AD Carry so far

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoners Rift 5v5

I've only played Ashe and Varus so I have 0 experiance with any other characters and roles.
I started playing last night and I'm level 2 :p
If anyone needs help with jungling, just hit me up, I am very good with most of the older junglers and would be happy to help ^^
Username: Leshkee

Champions Owned: Ashe, Caitlyn, Morgana, Sona, Soraka, Tristana

Preferred Roles: I like to play support, but I also like to play as Ranged AD. Really I can adapt to whatever because I am still fairly new to the game.

Preferred Maps/Arrangements: Summoner's Rift is the only map I have played

I'm level 15 right now.