League of Legends Thread

I find it a bad thing that the only place I can play Yasuo is top, instead of mid where he should be played. His playstyle is entirely new to me and I can't seem to get a grasp of it. Any suggestions on how to use him well?
I find it a bad thing that the only place I can play Yasuo is top, instead of mid where he should be played. His playstyle is entirely new to me and I can't seem to get a grasp of it. Any suggestions on how to use him well?
Yasuo is one of those champs that you just need to keep playing. Knowing when to dash through minions is key (either to stack up damage or to restore your shield). His dash -> q combo is great for getting the assured knock up rather than trying to make the skill shot. The windwall is good for denying harass, ganks, or CS and sometimes even tower damage.

Item-wise its typically rush to shiv, get IE if ahead, get cutlass -> if not so far ahead and then go either pure damage adding things like last whisper or add tank stats like randuins.
I find it a bad thing that the only place I can play Yasuo is top, instead of mid where he should be played. His playstyle is entirely new to me and I can't seem to get a grasp of it. Any suggestions on how to use him well?

Using your e to last hit the minions that you just barely didnt hit is helpful. Use your q to farm as well. For clearing waves quickly, e -> q is rather fast, especially if youre ahead.
First two games of silver 2, absolute hell. First game all our lanes were outclassed in every way and the second game we had a toxic mid laner that could only insult his own team.
Alright all, I'm joining the bandwagon. Played around a couple games and got the feel for it, looked up quite a few of the champions abilities and what not to know what I'm up against yadda yadda. Played several games as Lux to start out with since she seemed my style. Mage, ability based, can support or deal damage. I did pretty well with her, tried my hand with Ryze and I was honestly a little bored and underwhelmed with the range of his abilities. Garen was fun but his ultimate CD was pretty huge and seemed to get kited pretty easily, still liked him though.

Champions I currently own own would be Alistar (free with youtube sub thing haha), Fiddlesticks, and Soraka. I haven't played Alistar, but Fiddlesticks was pretty satisfying although I feel my build on him my first game was pretty poor. Soraka is a ton of fun and her abilities seem very effective. As you can probably tell I like mage type heros that can either do damage or support because I also enjoy supporting.

Coming from 900 hours of dota 2 and easily that much in spectated dota 2 I can safely say I know what's going on in a MOBA. So feel free to send me a friend invite and we can play sometime. It's still bbgunshot
League of Legends is quite different than Dota, as you'll get to see. Champions can't solo carry their team and teamwork is ever so more important in Season 4. It's fun to learn. I've gotten a bit bored with the game myself as a long time player, but getting to understand the game (and being a noob) is fun because in normal games people tend to go hard in the paint and kill each other all the time. I'll try to play with you sometime. :thumbsup:
Doing random bot games on EUW since NA is down. Of course, that account's summoner name is NA SERVERS RIP.
so if you didn't know arleady, the new summoner rift is up on pbe and my god it feels good to play. I will say last hitting is a little hard but that is probably I am rusty as fuck. I want to try jungling soon just to feel how it feels. since I am currently working alot I dont have much time to play anymore but if you want to try it out with me I'll be on mumble today and this weekend!
so if you didn't know arleady, the new summoner rift is up on pbe and my god it feels good to play. I will say last hitting is a little hard but that is probably I am rusty as fuck. I want to try jungling soon just to feel how it feels. since I am currently working alot I dont have much time to play anymore but if you want to try it out with me I'll be on mumble today and this weekend!

I've heard that last hitting is actually easier on the new summoners rift.
I've heard that last hitting is actually easier on the new summoners rift.
it probably realy is and was probably more I haven't played league (serious or otherwise) in about a month. even so once I got the hang of it, it got a bit better though it is still a beta so there was buggyness to be had.

like I said I want to try the jungle next just because. but over all it runs good on my toaster and looks awesome
I feel like building Blade of the Ruined King on every AD now.
gah it is gonna be so weird doing it now, it is pretty much ingrained go bt first then boots and pd or lw (or IE if you are really ahead) depending but even still i noticed that the shield isn't that bad at all especially it your are constantly autoattacking.

btw there is a new skin promotion for dreadknight garen if you want him: http://woobox.com/scrx56

so I haven't had time but I think later today I'm gonna try out the jungle to see how it is on the new summoner rift.
I find it a bad thing that the only place I can play Yasuo is top, instead of mid where he should be played. His playstyle is entirely new to me and I can't seem to get a grasp of it. Any suggestions on how to use him well?
Play to cooldowns, don't overextend and try to pressure the laner by dashing through the minions and poking with Q. Try to farm well because Yasuo doesn't scale into late game by kit but rather crit-damage items.

This was a game right here, very tough fight but I was able to save the inhib turrets multiple times thanks to op janna shields and movement speed up the ass. Apparently the Anivia was Plat but all they could do is trash talk in the end and they left the game.