League of Legends Thread

[quote="thee_pro, post: 346940, member: 7441. Well, I won't be getting shit this season then. I'm just about to hit lvl 17...[/quote]

Welcome to the club. One xp point away from lvl 12.
Awwww, I was hoping I would at least hit bronze before the end of the season. :(

Anyway, I wonder what strange new things the community will come up with next season...
first time as Le Blanc, and i say i did pretty damn well
I would like to join the team! :) um i am level 30 and i play main Kog'Maw. Im silver 1 so far and i can iffy jungle top and mid. Learning new champs and such! Hope i can join the team!
Had a few fun games with dmc517, Creeper, dasbeast, Ekgladiator, and miguel. Feel free to hit me up for a game whenever I'm on ^^.

I would like to join the team! :) um i am level 30 and i play main Kog'Maw. Im silver 1 so far and i can iffy jungle top and mid. Learning new champs and such! Hope i can join the team!
Need your name etc.
I also see that you joined t9k today, try to get yourself acquainted with the community, then we'll consider adding you. Feel free to add me (name in game is also Io Reign) and we'll play some games and we'll try to include you in the games we play with each other.
I would like to join the team! :) um i am level 30 and i play main Kog'Maw. Im silver 1 so far and i can iffy jungle top and mid. Learning new champs and such! Hope i can join the team!
I'd also recommend you getting mumble as it is our primary source of communication with each other and it helps a ton!

also welcome to t9k / the group :D
As a contributor to this thread, I have decided to formally introduce myself so people will pay attention to my pathetic account! :D

Summoner Name: Insanity 101

Champions owned: Ahri* (main), Evelynn*, Annie*, Master yi, Morgana*, Twisted fate, Warwick, Soraka*

Preferred roles: ANYTHING except jungle

Preferred maps: All of them
Had a few fun games with dmc517, Creeper, dasbeast, Ekgladiator, and miguel. Feel free to hit me up for a game whenever I'm on ^^.

Need your name etc.
I also see that you joined t9k today, try to get yourself acquainted with the community, then we'll consider adding you. Feel free to add me (name in game is also Io Reign) and we'll play some games and we'll try to include you in the games we play with each other.

Okie dokie! Sorry i saw Lol and got excited and yes i did join today! i will do my best to get acquainted with the community! i had a friend like tell me about it and stuff and it looked interesting and finally i got time to make an account! :) my Summoner name is : Captainshoe48. i will deff add you :) hope to play together soon!

Heres the offical format if you want
Username: CaptianShoe48

Champions Owned: Ali, Amumu, Ashe, Fiddle, Garen, Janna, Karma, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Lucian, Master Yi, Morgana, Nidalee, Nunu, Poppy, Ryze, Shaco, Sion, Sivir, Soraka, Vlad, Zilean, (Planning on buying Leona soon)

Preferred roles: ADC, Mid/top, Jungle, support ( in order of preference)

Preferred arrangement and map: Normal arrangement, 5v5 Summonerrift

W/L (Ranked) : 9-5

Rank: Silver 1

Roles in process of learning: Jungle, mid, top

Wins in Normal: 260

Can play 3v3
Speaking of the team, has the position of Offical Feeder been filled yet? If not, you know where to find me, Io. <3