League of Legends Thread

Meh, ranked isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It's just if you want to take League more seriously.
thank you for not taking my post seriously lol. i think the general gist of what I was trying to get across is that I need to stop doubting my self, but in order to do that I need to the way I think. it is more of a life lesson that I can't seem to tackle.


I don't picture myself in ranked now.....

Who cares about winning your lane anyway? It's all about the teammates who will always royally screw you over!!!


*proceeds to hide in dark corner*
or you could ya know just play aram and have fun?
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Thanks for breaking Vayne, Riot...
Never even let me finish my GA :(
Oh man, bronze people yelling at each other makes shake my head. Blame game is strong.


I don't picture myself in ranked now.....

Who cares about winning your lane anyway? It's all about the teammates who will always royally screw you over!!!


*proceeds to hide in dark corner*
I've lost tons of games in a row before. You just have to look past it, in my experience. If anything, losing makes you a better player.
One of the many reasons why I want out of bronze.
People blame each other no matter what level of the game you play. I just think in bronze it makes the least amount of sense in my perspective because nobody wants to admit that they are bronze because they aren't as good as they can be.
Side note: Do not play preseason ranked, everyone trolls and afks because they don't care if they lose.. I have lost 3/4 of my ranked games today due to afks and intentional feeders.
Side note: Do not play preseason ranked, everyone trolls and afks because they don't care if they lose.. I have lost 3/4 of my ranked games today due to afks and intentional feeders.

On the other hand, try to be the person on the opposite end of this and win 3/4 of your games! Hurray!
So found this idea on reddit;


I think this is a great idea, and I hope riot implements it. This is the picture just so it's on here.

Fuckin' A. However, I feel like Riot has a thing for siblings in LoL. Garen and Lux, Katarina and Cassiopeia, Nasus and Renekton, Darius and Draven, Kayle and Morgana, Vi and her unrevealed sister (Jinx is the popular rumor, but Riot has confirmed nothing.), to an extention via lore: Ashe, Sejuani, and Lissandra, and now, The Samurai and Yasuo.
On the topic of low level play/bans:

It seems to me that due to the standard bronze/silver bans (ie: Blitz, Amumu), a large amount of the people in said tiers are incapable of playing against these champs due to the lack of practice against them. I understand that the examples given are game-changers, a great Blitz pull or a good Amumu ult can change the outcome of the game, but in my opinion one of the reasons why they are so successful in doing so is that people ban them far too much and reduce the amount of time they play against them. I've had many games in which I was playing blitz/thresh support and the enemy bot lane stood there, unmoving, as I pull them in for my ADC to kill them. Some people are good at dodging and they are usually successful at dodging a thresh hook, but less so at dodging a blitz hook. I've also noticed quite a few players play very aggressive with their ability usage and positioning against such aggressive champions. In one such example, I watched as a Tristana used her rocket jump to leap over a minion wave, right into a blitz hook to pull her under the tower for an easy kill.

For the banning of strong initiators, such as Amumu, something that seems as simple as spreading out a bit more and positioning better is probably the best solution. However not everyone, including myself, are able to properly position in the right way to avoid these initiations from being extremely successful. It is one of the things that I feel is improved via practice, which due to the banning, is not achieved.

I bring up this topic as I just finished a game that started and ended horribly. I left blitz open after banning a request, and immediately two of my teammates start trolling and refuse to go anywhere near bot lane simply because the enemy team had a Blitzcrank.

In no way am I saying I'm far better than these people and I'm deserving of a higher rank than them, I am simply putting out an observation I've made in the recent games. What are your guys' opinion on this?

tl;dr: Banning the same champions every game is preventing players from being able to play against said champions due to the lack of practice.

Note: Wrote this at 1am, don't expect perfect grammar/spelling/other.
On the topic of low level play/bans:

It seems to me that due to the standard bronze/silver bans (ie: Blitz, Amumu), a large amount of the people in said tiers are incapable of playing against these champs due to the lack of practice against them. I understand that the examples given are game-changers, a great Blitz pull or a good Amumu ult can change the outcome of the game, but in my opinion one of the reasons why they are so successful in doing so is that people ban them far too much and reduce the amount of time they play against them. I've had many games in which I was playing blitz/thresh support and the enemy bot lane stood there, unmoving, as I pull them in for my ADC to kill them. Some people are good at dodging and they are usually successful at dodging a thresh hook, but less so at dodging a blitz hook. I've also noticed quite a few players play very aggressive with their ability usage and positioning against such aggressive champions. In one such example, I watched as a Tristana used her rocket jump to leap over a minion wave, right into a blitz hook to pull her under the tower for an easy kill.

For the banning of strong initiators, such as Amumu, something that seems as simple as spreading out a bit more and positioning better is probably the best solution. However not everyone, including myself, are able to properly position in the right way to avoid these initiations from being extremely successful. It is one of the things that I feel is improved via practice, which due to the banning, is not achieved.

I bring up this topic as I just finished a game that started and ended horribly. I left blitz open after banning a request, and immediately two of my teammates start trolling and refuse to go anywhere near bot lane simply because the enemy team had a Blitzcrank.

In no way am I saying I'm far better than these people and I'm deserving of a higher rank than them, I am simply putting out an observation I've made in the recent games. What are your guys' opinion on this?

tl;dr: Banning the same champions every game is preventing players from being able to play against said champions due to the lack of practice.

Note: Wrote this at 1am, don't expect perfect grammar/spelling/other.

I certainly agree with the fact that by banning these champions, people are going to have less exposure as to how to play against them. However, in ranked matches people want to win and advance up to the next tier and they will ban the champions they are not comfortable with in order to accomplish this. So, not banning these champions in ranked will mean losses. My solution is to play normals a lot before going into ranked and when you do play ranked, ply a couple or normals beforehand and get exposure against whatever champions happen to be picked by the other team.
On the topic of low level play/bans:

It seems to me that due to the standard bronze/silver bans (ie: Blitz, Amumu), a large amount of the people in said tiers are incapable of playing against these champs due to the lack of practice against them. I understand that the examples given are game-changers, a great Blitz pull or a good Amumu ult can change the outcome of the game, but in my opinion one of the reasons why they are so successful in doing so is that people ban them far too much and reduce the amount of time they play against them. I've had many games in which I was playing blitz/thresh support and the enemy bot lane stood there, unmoving, as I pull them in for my ADC to kill them. Some people are good at dodging and they are usually successful at dodging a thresh hook, but less so at dodging a blitz hook. I've also noticed quite a few players play very aggressive with their ability usage and positioning against such aggressive champions. In one such example, I watched as a Tristana used her rocket jump to leap over a minion wave, right into a blitz hook to pull her under the tower for an easy kill.

For the banning of strong initiators, such as Amumu, something that seems as simple as spreading out a bit more and positioning better is probably the best solution. However not everyone, including myself, are able to properly position in the right way to avoid these initiations from being extremely successful. It is one of the things that I feel is improved via practice, which due to the banning, is not achieved.

I bring up this topic as I just finished a game that started and ended horribly. I left blitz open after banning a request, and immediately two of my teammates start trolling and refuse to go anywhere near bot lane simply because the enemy team had a Blitzcrank.

In no way am I saying I'm far better than these people and I'm deserving of a higher rank than them, I am simply putting out an observation I've made in the recent games. What are your guys' opinion on this?

tl;dr: Banning the same champions every game is preventing players from being able to play against said champions due to the lack of practice.

Note: Wrote this at 1am, don't expect perfect grammar/spelling/other.
I think it's mostly due to the fact people in low elo have a poor grasp at teamfighting / positioning and the common Amumu / Blitzcrank will punish you very hard for being out of position with a face full of crowd control. I think you have a good point though.

I love this series.
have you seen dunky's vids thay are pretty awesome too.

So i'm curious to see how season 4 will affect league. it seems like there a lot of big changes happening (same could be said of season 3) but what are your thoughts on it?
It looks like alot of improvements tbh. Supports and junglers will be able to take on other roles. Vision will be much different. Dragon will actually be viable late game for once. I am excited.
It looks like alot of improvements tbh. Supports and junglers will be able to take on other roles. Vision will be much different. Dragon will actually be viable late game for once. I am excited.
Dragon being viable late game is certainly going to make for some very interesting tactical decisions.
I'm looking forward to dusting of my umbrella, and be the best support/anchor woman there is!!

Dragon being viable late game is certainly going to make for some very interesting tactical decisions.

Do you just want all your OP items after one dragon kill?
I'm looking forward to dusting of my umbrella, and be the best support/anchor woman there is!!

Do you just want all your OP items after one dragon kill?

that won't exactly happen I don't think. they want to make it so that dragon is still contested late into the game which means that if you are winning you need to keep it in your control otherwise the enemy team could turn the tide of battle.

I think the thing that is the best change so far besides free wards is the fact that destroying one inhib doesn't auto push all the lanes