Music Composition / Production / Mixing / Creation / Tutorials Thread

You made that in 30 minutes?
It says I worked on it for 1h22, but I'm pretty sure I made the synths in about 30 minutes, mixing + mastering takes a long time..
avicii crap.jpg
I think I'm gonna make a tutorial on how to make that avicii sound thingie

It'll be T9k exclusive : D

If you guys have any other suggestions for tutorials and such, just tell me
hey i have a right to on this thread specifically. by the way:

What you do not do:

- troll
- Post any pictures that are not related/relevant to a discussion/topic of interest
- insult or abuse anyone else for ANY reason.
- talk about anything else OR involve anything else into the discussion.

....check out the last one! o.O dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn
so i'm trying to use ableton, but i'm comepletly hopeless. anyone know a good tutorial on how to make a song in it? i use FL as of current, but i would like to make a song in ableton
so i'm trying to use ableton, but i'm comepletly hopeless. anyone know a good tutorial on how to make a song in it? i use FL as of current, but i would like to make a song in ableton
If you are good at FL Studio, stick with it, there is really NO DIFFERENCE. It's all based on preference. It's not the software, it's the producer.
so i'm trying to use ableton, but i'm comepletly hopeless. anyone know a good tutorial on how to make a song in it? i use FL as of current, but i would like to make a song in ableton
You're like a mirror image of me a year ago lol
I could NOT use ableton at all whatsoever, I just kept on experimenting and experimenting.
I'll make a tutorial though for you guys, when I get to it :>
You're like a mirror image of me a year ago lol
I could NOT use ableton at all whatsoever, I just kept on experimenting and experimenting.
I'll make a tutorial though for you guys, when I get to it :>
lol that was like me tooo...and then i started talking to don....... :3
Ableton to me looks like an amazing program, its just a matter of learning how to use it. thats why i like fl, because its so easy to use and you can self teach yourself where as ableton is slightly more complicated