Music Composition / Production / Mixing / Creation / Tutorials Thread

So i pretty much am doing this huge long 2 hour Deadmau5 Mix right now.
that is where i do all my mixes

Irrelevant to your post, but I accepted the "Make a song in 15 minutes" Challenge (Even though no one challenged me to.)

I kinda failed at it, because I ended up working 30 minutes on it, including quick mixing and mastering.


EDIT: It's also a free download, for anyone who likes this kind of stuff.
^^^^^ Also, what happened to this?
Guitar bork.
Like, I have my acoustic (yeah, the condom one), but because all I have to record it with is just me Turtle Beaches (which isn't appropriate), I haven't used that.

Generally, when I record guitar songs, I use my electric, because I've got an effects processor with a USB jack and DAW support, meaning I can just have direct input into Audacity for maximum sexytimeness.

I was recording the song, and I had done a pretty good take, but halfway through, I broke my E string.

And I'm really way to lazy and unskilled to fix it myself, lol.

That, and the neck pickup on my electric is broken, so I need to get that fixed anyway.
And when you don't have a car, and your guitar on its own weighs a shitload, and the repair shop is miles away...

But I can play on Mumble soon-ish if you like.