Music Composition / Production / Mixing / Creation / Tutorials Thread

A little something I just finished.

One thing about it that's bugging the hell out of me now is the high pitch noise I'm hearing on the kicks/bass. It sounded pretty clean at first, but once I uploaded it to soundcloud they got kinda distorted. Did I just mix it a little too loud or could it be something else? If anyone has any advice for me I'd really appreciate it. :D

The mix and master is quite well done : D, Is that vengeance I hear? Those wobbles sound wayyy too familiar
Nice track nonetheless!
They do sound hella familiar though.. Ryan Enzed tuts? Also, where are those drums from? they sound so good and punchy : D

I was going for kind of a fidget type wobble. Enzed's tutorials have helped me out a lot though.

I got the drum samples from here. They got some other good sample packs for free there too.
I was going for kind of a fidget type wobble. Enzed's tutorials have helped me out a lot though.

I got the drum samples from here. They got some other good sample packs for free there too.
Good find : O! I am myself in a bit of a need of more drums, the vengeance packs just don't do it anymore for me..
A little something I just finished.

One thing about it that's bugging the hell out of me now is the high pitch noise I'm hearing on the kicks/bass. It sounded pretty clean at first, but once I uploaded it to soundcloud they got kinda distorted. Did I just mix it a little too loud or could it be something else? If anyone has any advice for me I'd really appreciate it. :D
This is actually realllly fucking nice. Great work dude.