Music Composition / Production / Mixing / Creation / Tutorials Thread

so... i have been trying to do a mix... but... mixlr seams to not be working on my computer ATM... so does anyone know of another free audio broadcaster that would be good for mixing?
1. Drums are too loud. Otherwise, pretty good (If you're making brostep. Make sure you set that aim from the beginning)
2. Brilliant. Again, this isn't dubstep. It's brostep. Still, I can't and won't ever be that good, so you're doing better than almost everyone who will comment on your youtube videos if you ever upload them.
3. Great! I just think that at 1 quater, you need to add in an overlaying tune. Then at 0:55 launch into your bass.
1. Drums are too loud. Otherwise, pretty good (If you're making brostep. Make sure you set that aim from the beginning)
2. Brilliant. Again, this isn't dubstep. It's brostep. Still, I can't and won't ever be that good, so you're doing better than almost everyone who will comment on your youtube videos if you ever upload them.
3. Great! I just think that at 1 quater, you need to add in an overlaying tune. Then at 0:55 launch into your bass.
Ehh...I just made wubs, and called it dubstep. Lawl.

My ears were pleased with the playing of this song, and if I could ever reach a level of composing/mixing that even reached half of this piece, I'd be happy.
i need help by someone who knows how to make a capellas!!! like FAST!!! i need an a capella of california dreaming by the mamas and the papas