Music Composition / Production / Mixing / Creation / Tutorials Thread

so i thought i'd just say that i have changed my name... i am no longer DJ BTAO. My name is now Basswaite, modeling after my last name, Braithwaite
So i got ableton 9 last night!!! HOLY CRAP!!! It's also my birthday today! I'm getting studio monitors, DJ Decks, possibly a mic, and a new pair of studio headphones! expect a lot better music from me coming soon!
So i got ableton 9 last night!!! HOLY CRAP!!! It's also my birthday today! I'm getting studio monitors, DJ Decks, possibly a mic, and a new pair of studio headphones! expect a lot better music from me coming soon!
Lucky you, I'm still saving up for some decent speakers, let alone decks D :

hoorray! My composing attention span has extended past percussion into realms of combining and adjusting samples! Just a little tidbit so far, might work on it some more once I've become comfortable with the software O.o
What I definitely recommend is changing the drums, you can find a bunch of sample packs with good drums online! It's a lot better than my first attempt I'll tell you that : D Love the chords!

hoorray! My composing attention span has extended past percussion into realms of combining and adjusting samples! Just a little tidbit so far, might work on it some more once I've become comfortable with the software O.o
What I definitely recommend is changing the drums, you can find a bunch of sample packs with good drums online! It's a lot better than my first attempt I'll tell you that : D Love the chords!
I second Don! this is a lot better than my first stuff!
take a listen for yourself. I keep these on my soundcloud for a reminder to myself of what not to do...
A little something I just finished.

One thing about it that's bugging the hell out of me now is the high pitch noise I'm hearing on the kicks/bass. It sounded pretty clean at first, but once I uploaded it to soundcloud they got kinda distorted. Did I just mix it a little too loud or could it be something else? If anyone has any advice for me I'd really appreciate it. :D
A little something I just finished.

One thing about it that's bugging the hell out of me now is the high pitch noise I'm hearing on the kicks/bass. It sounded pretty clean at first, but once I uploaded it to soundcloud they got kinda distorted. Did I just mix it a little too loud or could it be something else? If anyone has any advice for me I'd really appreciate it. :D
I don't think that it's an issue; I can't really hear it, and what I can hear I'm only hearing because it was brought to my attention.

It's a nice piece.