Planetside 2 Discussion

So, apparently you can add people as friends across servers, thus PatchouIi was not available due to me having it on another server, same with Team9000 not being available because it exists on another server.

Kinda derpy way of working that, but whatever.
Yeah, its really weird the way they have it set up, but I know there is still a lot they have to do, so hopefully we will see some change when they ge the player database up and everything gets linked through that.
Anyone have a derp problem like I just got? Logged into the game, and instead of it taking me to the character selection, it dropped me into this black screen, with a depleted health and shield bar, and frames of the minimap and chat window. When I pressed escape, it opened an empty frame of the profile window. And then crashed. Happened twice, I verified the game files on steam and now it's redownloading 200+ files.
Anyone have a derp problem like I just got? Logged into the game, and instead of it taking me to the character selection, it dropped me into this black screen, with a depleted health and shield bar, and frames of the minimap and chat window. When I pressed escape, it opened an empty frame of the profile window. And then crashed. Happened twice, I verified the game files on steam and now it's redownloading 200+ files.
Didn't happen. Though what i did get was my steam f***ing up and like nothing was working screen was a mix of black and steam's grey, and well, after a minute it fixed itself.. not as bad as yours though
I have a bug where I spawn with 0 heath but full shields, am able to walk around and shoot, but I can't use jump pads and as soon as my shields run out, I die.
So I have a proposal/question/idea to present to you guys. I know we have the whole outfit ranks, but I was thinking that, with the way most people look for structure in PS2, maybe we should have "official" ranks and/or divisions. Don't jump to conclusions yet! When I say this, I don't mean to structure this stringently, but just set up a kind of base structure for those joining us when we play, and to give everyone an idea of what we are all good at. The idea is simple, we would have a few divisions (i.e. aerial division, armor division, medic division, etc.) and then maybe a command division so that we know who is organized and good at leading people.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that if we did this, and someone joined a division, that's not all they would play. If you joined the aerial division, you wouldn't just fly, it would be more like that is your known specialty, so if we had a galaxy loaded with 12 people, we would know who to request help from for an escort. Nothing would be binding, but you could choose a division that you ENJOY playing under. This would not require anyone to change the way they play the game, as the idea is to form divisions that YOU guys want to see, that way you can keep playing how you play.

This would not only help give direction to the new players coming in, but it would help out the veteran players. Say a new weapon comes out for your tank, or you are looking for some advice on improving your flying skills. This would give everyone a focal point to ask their questions instead of throwing it out to the masses and hoping for the best. It would give everyone a chance to be proud of how they play, and to play with the people that best suit their interests. Again, this wouldn't change how you play, and if you feel it does, we can work to change it, or you can just participate as we have it set up now.

This would also help whoever is in command of squads/platoons. As it stands now, we have a point and shoot system set up. Anyone commanding can do so how they want, but this would be in place as a useful tool for the commander, so instead of picking someone at random and saying "hey, if you're not busy we need air support" you could ask someone you know has dropped certs in, has experience in, and enjoys flying. It wouldn't be a requirement for anyone, but again, it would be there as a useful tool if a commander decides to use it. No one would be required to follow the commander's orders, just as it is now, but hopefully someone who decides to take charge is trusted enough to give properly thought out advice and not ask people to do unreasonable things.

Honestly, I think this will help bring in new people, because as it stands we have NO organization, and everyone is looking for SOME KIND of organization. While I don't want some required crazy command structure, I would like to set into place useful tools for everyone to better utilize their skills, in and outside of the game. I don't want to change how anyone plays, nor do I expect everyone to be on board with this. If enough people like this idea, than I would have no problem trying to organize things a little better and forming solid ideas with all of you. Remember, this is not some detailed military break down, just an organization of people's interests. We would decide as a whole on what divisions/ranks/structure/etc. that we want to see. While this won;t be big at first, if we have it out there for new people, it only leaves room to grow. Who knows, maybe we can get popular enough to warrant Woot to give us a PS2 section on the forums. Probably not, but we can try I guess :)
So I have a proposal/question/idea to present to you guys. I know we have the whole outfit ranks, but I was thinking that, with the way most people look for structure in PS2, maybe we should have "official" ranks and/or divisions. Don't jump to conclusions yet! When I say this, I don't mean to structure this stringently, but just set up a kind of base structure for those joining us when we play, and to give everyone an idea of what we are all good at. The idea is simple, we would have a few divisions (i.e. aerial division, armor division, medic division, etc.) and then maybe a command division so that we know who is organized and good at leading people.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that if we did this, and someone joined a division, that's not all they would play. If you joined the aerial division, you wouldn't just fly, it would be more like that is your known specialty, so if we had a galaxy loaded with 12 people, we would know who to request help from for an escort. Nothing would be binding, but you could choose a division that you ENJOY playing under. This would not require anyone to change the way they play the game, as the idea is to form divisions that YOU guys want to see, that way you can keep playing how you play.

This would not only help give direction to the new players coming in, but it would help out the veteran players. Say a new weapon comes out for your tank, or you are looking for some advice on improving your flying skills. This would give everyone a focal point to ask their questions instead of throwing it out to the masses and hoping for the best. It would give everyone a chance to be proud of how they play, and to play with the people that best suit their interests. Again, this wouldn't change how you play, and if you feel it does, we can work to change it, or you can just participate as we have it set up now.

This would also help whoever is in command of squads/platoons. As it stands now, we have a point and shoot system set up. Anyone commanding can do so how they want, but this would be in place as a useful tool for the commander, so instead of picking someone at random and saying "hey, if you're not busy we need air support" you could ask someone you know has dropped certs in, has experience in, and enjoys flying. It wouldn't be a requirement for anyone, but again, it would be there as a useful tool if a commander decides to use it. No one would be required to follow the commander's orders, just as it is now, but hopefully someone who decides to take charge is trusted enough to give properly thought out advice and not ask people to do unreasonable things.

Honestly, I think this will help bring in new people, because as it stands we have NO organization, and everyone is looking for SOME KIND of organization. While I don't want some required crazy command structure, I would like to set into place useful tools for everyone to better utilize their skills, in and outside of the game. I don't want to change how anyone plays, nor do I expect everyone to be on board with this. If enough people like this idea, than I would have no problem trying to organize things a little better and forming solid ideas with all of you. Remember, this is not some detailed military break down, just an organization of people's interests. We would decide as a whole on what divisions/ranks/structure/etc. that we want to see. While this won;t be big at first, if we have it out there for new people, it only leaves room to grow. Who knows, maybe we can get popular enough to warrant Woot to give us a PS2 section on the forums. Probably not, but we can try I guess :)
See's wall of text. :confused:
*Still reads entire post*
This is a good idea, but make sure there are several things.
You can be part of several divisions. Many people don't want to be restricted to just aerial combat at times, and tend to work best in several different classes and vehicles. Plus with all the different times people are on, there are several times when a certain division will be at strength and trust me, 20 tanks all crammed together in a small base is not effective.
Also make sure there are an appropriate spread of members in the divisions. As with the last idea, you don't want to be overloaded with a single division. If you consider the idea of a person in 2 or 3 divisions, it makes it easier to have a spread of classes and equipment, so you don't have a squad full of medics.
I know that you aren't bound to play as a certain division, but the fact is most people will stick to the role that they have picked, and if you say "We need more medics" most will say their not in the medic division, so it's not their job.
If we let people join multiple divisions, everyone will join all the divisions. First off, like I said, just because you're in a division doesn't mean you have to play that division in game. If you are in the aerial division, you can still drive tanks, this is just so we know who is good at what, and who has dropped certs in what, and who likes to do what. However, I think people should be able to change divisions if they so wish. The point of this is to bring together people with similar interests while at the same time offering a knowledge resource to field commanders so that they don't just ask random people to do stuff. This isn't meant to tie anyone down, its more just a basic structure so that we all know who to rely upon.
Yeah, I don't want a million divisions. I was thinking of an armored division, infantry division, and aerial division, and then a small command division.
It would be better to have those divisions, but break them into smaller divisions, like having the armored division made up of both a sunderer division and a tank division.
That's a bit much at the moment though, as we don't have enough people to get that into it. I want to start with a simple organization, and as we start to filter in more active players, we can grow it in the direction that fits the players we have. No need to get ahead of ourselves yet :)
I am interested in who wants to see this happen, so let me know. Love to hear what everyone is investing in though, as it will help out if we make divisions.