Planetside 2 Squad

Definitely far better than the first one, which I played for all of a month and stopped. Playing as an engi right now but might give medic a go.
Hey I play Heavy Assault mainly and Infiltrator occasionally. I'm a Vanu on the Jaeger server, could you add me to the outfit?

Oh and my in game name is JohnTit0r
One of us will throw you in as soon as we get on, if they haven't already. Add me as as friend so I know when you're on if that makes it easier. I would add you now but I am at work, so it will have to wait until later tonight if no one else can add you.
hiya, one of my RL friends decided to start playing PS2, was wondering if the people here would be fine with him joining our outfit? His in-game name is Aursuriel, and i figured having him join the casual squads in our outfit would help him much more :confused:
Anyone is allowed to join the outfit, but if you're looking to join the squad, I needs one of those application thingies.
So, out of curiosity, are engineers in demand for your group or is there something else that's a bit more needed? I can't really promise that I'll be around every time you guys play, but I'd love to help out if I'm in a gaming mood. Thing is though, I'll have to start a completely new character.
Definitely interested in getting this going again. I reset the squad members so that we can start fresh. This will be a lot more loosely based until we see who is interested and where everyone wants to go with this.
I just like killing things :cautious:

If anybody has been away for awhile and is thinking about coming back, SOE has implemented a recruiting system now. If you haven't played for 6 months or start a new account and link/join thru somebody's recruitment, you'll get a nice weapon and boost (~ $11 value) to start. So that being said, if you plan on starting back up and didn't really do much with your character and want to start fresh, feel free to create a new account and recruit thru me :D
Totally forgot about this game, and I now have a computer that can play it. Will definitely give it another go.
I think I still have this installed, but my work schedule is intensive and already keeps me from gaming in most cases. but if you plan something a week in advance and get a schedule, I can easily plan to be part of this.
Again, I'm just looking for people interested in joining a squad. It is nothing big, no meets or anything like that. We will start casual, just get on when you get on. Eventually, if enough people want to, we will get more serious. If you want to be on the squad, message me and tell me what class you mainly/want to play as.