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Squad 9001


Well-Known Member
I present to you a new and rising faction... Squad 9001 !!

Squad 9001 is an expedition/adventure force of people who set out into the outlands with adventure and treasure finding in mind. As of now, we have had several highly successful venture, including our 2 latest jackpots. First of the 2 was a diamond mining venture. Through the efforts of 4 men, myself, Antecus, TimmyB and bobomastoras, we were able to collect and retain an exact 100 diamonds within a single mining expedition. Several mishaps occured, including my own death, which resulted in the loss of over 20 diamonds :eek: However we had lots of fun, which was the most important thing.

The 2nd successful adventure we've had was an expedition to find coal that just went straight off-course. While searching for coal, we found a small cave underwater with a mob spawner in it. The good news did not end there. Right next to that mob spawner, barely 4 blocks away, was another mob spawner. Both mob spawners spawned skeletons. But no, that wasn't enough. About 12 blocks away, there was yet ANOTHER mob spawner! Yes, a 3rd mob spawner! Triple spawner all the way across the sky! This brough us to a total of 3 mob spawners, all within a 15 block range of each other. WIth the beta 1.4 update, and the implementation of wolves, we decided to farm for bones in preparation of the server updated. After hours of digging and water flow controlling, we were able to create a bone, arrow and string farm. But we, Squad 9001, wouldn't be satisfied with this would we?! OF COURSE NOT! Our esteemed dirt man/afk-box-making member TimmyB found a FOURTH mob spawner about 20 blocks away from the collection point of our mob grinder. Yes, the double rainbow, starting to look like a triple rainbow, is now a quadruple rainbow! We have 4 mob spawners now, 2 spider spawners and 2 skeleton spawners.

Would YOU like to join in our T9K Beta shananegans?! Do you think you have what it takes to join Squad 9001?!

*edit : Due to the ever-decreasing amount of space, we have decided to make the town more exclusive.
Only Classic ranked builders and above may join. Creativity, ability to build, trust and responsibilty are all qualities that are much appreciated here. Members will need to contribute to the growth and well-being of the city, mostly land clearing and space development jobs, or simply hard labor of dirt and stone digging. Other contributions include materials such as iron, diamonds, coal and the such.
Classic ranked engineers and above may join anytime, although they must contribute to the town as well.

Founding members / The "higher ups" :

TimmyB (Booo)

casham (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Members (Contributions Confirmed) :


Members (Contributions To be Confirmed) :


What we do : Exploration, expeditions, treasure hunting, most importantly, Having a Blast!

Team slogan : ITS OVER 9000?!?!

Rules :
Not too many since we wish to reduce on the "role-playing".
1)Diamonds found in the city mines should be passed on to the founding members of the squad for storage. None of us wear any diamond armor since we feel its a waste. We are willing to give anyone the diamond tools they need, but we wish to avoid wasting too much diamonds on armor since we are hoping to gather a large amount of diamonds.
2)Contributions to the city are a must. If you're just looking for a place to build a big skyscraper and mooch off our diamonds, turn around and walk off. As state above, we need help with land clearing, mountain levelling and the such. You may also mine in our mines and contribute with the diamonds you find there. You may keep the iron/gold/coal you find but we would appreciate it if you could help us with those when we need them.
3)Have fun! Help us to make this town a better place so that everyone can enjoy living in S9K1 Town.
Can I haz spot?

Yeah, I haven't been on in a while, so, I still have yet to make my contributions, but I might do some work today.

If I do help out, Do I just tell someone I did the work?
If you see alot of activity going on among us in-game or you hop onto mumble and hear us talking about fun stuff you can always tell us you want to come along :D
I've said it before and I'll say it again.. T9K ROCKS! The social aspect of this game is near infinite.. and this idea of sub groups is just the natural evolution of the game. It's exhilarating to see so many people come up with new ways to have fun in this game.. GO SQUAD 9001!.. may your future drip with diamonds and be soaked in tales of adventure!!
Ok, we Squad9001 are always welcoming new members. However, we require each member to be a trusted member of the community as we will be sharing our loot and stuff. We also want to be sure that each of our members contribute to the community. For example, our base has a pretty big strip mine section, and it would be good if you went down there to mine and pass over the diamonds you find as your contribution. Because at the end of the day, we will be splitting up the diamonds. When I say end of the day i mean when we have completely depleted all strip mines.

So if anyone is up to the challenge, Please do not hesitate to give me a heads up on mumble or in-game. Meanwhile, I will be adding all the people who are interested in joining to the pending list. If you have a change of heart, please let me know as well and I will remove your name from the list.

Update on our latest project :

Squad 9001's own town out in outlands. During our adventures, we found a sweet area, beautiful scenery, awesome environment. We have started a town there. Connecting moutains with walls, and lighting the tops on fire, we have a safe haven in outlands, far from civilization. Now, a main townhall/HQ has been constructed and each of the lead members of Squad9001 have begun creating homes in the town. We shall be making improvements to the town, including a reconstruction/edit of the walls and erecting watchposts on the mountains.

I hereby name Squad9001's first outpost/town : Fort 9001
Yeah Konflakes, I went there with tshinotu.

It's probably the house that says 'Squad 9001' on it, right?

I haven't seen the town of it just yet, I was hoping to see that today if I have time.