Star Citizen

When they had a Livestream event earlier this year, I think they sold for about $1250 each, though they were stripped down models. There were 100 sold prior to this that were more military variants and I believe they sold for more than $1500, though I can't find the original information.
Welp, they started the anniversary sale and my wallet it already hurting. All the ships are sold with LTI, so if you have one of the ships melt it and rebuy it. Otherwise, just buy new ships. I held off on the M50 and decided to buy the 300P racer because it looks sexier.

Also, ships such as the Idris, gladiator, and retaliator are going to be sold also. Finally, a whole new line up of ships is suppose to start after November 26th, so don't spend all your money yet.

I hate you Homerun.
$35 for an Aurora with LTI?

I got two.

Anyone else cash in on that today? I figure with two, I can keep one and change the other one over for a mustang with LTI when that gets released.
Went and upgraded my 300i to a hornet and will be getting the tracker tomorrow... Probably going to stop the spending there until release. Not going to promise anything though...
You might want to consider holding up, as they will be offering the Super Hornet this weekend with LTI, so you may be interested in that if you didn't know.
I have a connection for getting LTI on any of the original kickstarter ships, but yeah I will wait and see if they have the Super Hornet upgrade in the store. Only problem is I won't be home to access the store.
You can access it via cell phone too, and if you want you can gift it to your hook up or me and one of us can swap and upgrade it for you. Your choice, I don't have a problem helping you out if you want it.
$30 million mark has been passed.

Looks like a mining ship will be the 31 million mark and a salvage ship for the 32 million mark. They are doing poles now for people to determine the next type of ships, and it looks like the 33 mil is a close battle between a smuggling ship and an exploration ship.

Go vote! Also, sorry for the double post.
Was able to get a super hornet taken care of even though I used stripe when I meant to use PayPal. Looking forward to seeing how much they are going to charge for these new voting ships.
This is starting to sound more and more like pay to win.
Casey, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the ability to buy ships is a commodity for pre-launch only, and perhaps during but not entirely. A majority of the ships you acquire will be through in game play if I'm not mistaken. And I dont really know how it is currently pay to win when you cant even win at the game yet =p
Yeah... All of the ships will be available in-game to purchase with UEC (in-game currency) like Eve for example. If you don't buy it now, then you just have to work harder to get it later.
The only advantage that you get by buying the ships now instead of using in-game currency to obtain them (besides having them from the get go when you start playing) is that you won't have to constantly update the insurance on them in order to get he hull back if your ship is destroyed. If the insurance is anything similar to what it is in EvE, then updating the insurance normally won't be much of a hassle, if at all.

Just because you have a nicer ship doesn't really mean you'll be better than other people. It's the player flying and combat skills that will matter.
This is starting to sound more and more like pay to win.

The entire game is based off of player skill, there is no leveling. Also, keep in mind that there isn't really a better ship, just different ones for different purposes. The things that really put a ship up there are all the modules you can buy for it, and those are ONLY available via in game credit (similar to the guns in Planetside 2, except the ships will no longer be available after game launch). Also, say you buy a larger ship, well you better have the people to fly it too, otherwise it's a flying target for pirates. Everything in this game is designed to have specific pros and cons, nothing is better than another unless you're trying to outmaneuver a fighter spacecraft with a salvage ship, or mining asteroids with a racing craft. Everything is designed to level out on the players skill and purpose.

It has been brought up to Chris Robert's (the founder) attention several times, and he has specifically stated that this is not going to be pay to win. The lifetime insurance offered now on ship really doesn't mean much because getting the insurance in game and renewing it for what ever terms you buy it for is easy and cheap, as stated by the developers. People who say this is pay to win are the people that see the ship sale numbers and amount raised, but anyone who has looked into it knows that is far from the case.

Sorry for the rant wall of text, but after spending the amount of money I have spent/plan to spend on this game, I have followed it on a daily basis (I open it up with team9000 everytime I start my browser) and hate it when people misconstrue it.

The entire game is based off of player skill, there is no leveling. Also, keep in mind that there isn't really a better ship, just different ones for different purposes. The things that really put a ship up there are all the modules you can buy for it, and those are ONLY available via in game credit (similar to the guns in Planetside 2, except the ships will no longer be available after game launch). Also, say you buy a larger ship, well you better have the people to fly it too, otherwise it's a flying target for pirates. Everything in this game is designed to have specific pros and cons, nothing is better than another unless you're trying to outmaneuver a fighter spacecraft with a salvage ship, or mining asteroids with a racing craft. Everything is designed to level out on the players skill and purpose.

It has been brought up to Chris Robert's (the founder) attention several times, and he has specifically stated that this is not going to be pay to win. The lifetime insurance offered now on ship really doesn't mean much because getting the insurance in game and renewing it for what ever terms you buy it for is easy and cheap, as stated by the developers. People who say this is pay to win are the people that see the ship sale numbers and amount raised, but anyone who has looked into it knows that is far from the case.

Sorry for the rant wall of text, but after spending the amount of money I have spent/plan to spend on this game, I have followed it on a daily basis (I open it up with team9000 everytime I start my browser) and hate it when people misconstrue it.

Now that I have had time to keep looking, I can see it isn't.

But you can't deny that when faced with buying the ship ingame or using real money when you have extra money to spare, a ship purchased with real money is better and more attractive.
Now that I have had time to keep looking, I can see it isn't.

But you can't deny that when faced with buying the ship ingame or using real money when you have extra money to spare, a ship purchased with real money is better and more attractive.
Except these ships are all like $25+ so....
Now that I have had time to keep looking, I can see it isn't.

But you can't deny that when faced with buying the ship in game or using real money when you have extra money to spare, a ship purchased with real money is better and more attractive.

In all honesty, I don't really care about the ships, they just give me something to do until the game is released. The amount of money I have spent is money I know is going to support a game I want to play. Yeah, the ships are awesome, but they're the same ships that will be available in game on launch day. There is no better or more attractive and if they decided to melt all the shis and make other ones, saying that they would be available on launch day, I would say I would be saddened, but if it helped the game become better for whatever reason then do it.

On a side note, I have 5-6 ships now, so if you guys wait to buy the game on launch (where it is going to be 60, while you can pay 40 now and get a ship along with the full game and access to the pre-alpha, alpha, and beta) I'll need pilots and have no problem letting others fly some of mine as I'll need escorts anyways. :)
New contest on the RSI website:

Click here

I believe the correct answer is 'C' for the poll. Chance (albeit slight) to win an Idris-M, and some other cool prizes.