Steal the chicken game

The zombie puke returns to its master (me) and I sprinkle some Targo's Executive Powder (It has a million and one uses) and bring it back to its original form. Now that its in it's original form, I keep it locked in a cell designed after SCP-106's cell (What I mean, read here).
I destroy the cell somehow and steal the chicken from the cell. I put the chicken in a very very hidden place. I put 681263 guards to protect it. I also steal the Targo's Executive Powder for no reason and put it in the cupboard.
Since apparently people have incredible super strength enough to destroy a cell with their hands, I find the hidden place due to the obnoxious number of guards standing around it and single-handedly incapacitate them all, taking the chicken triumphantly. I then kidnap myself and take the chicken with me into space.
I call my homeboy Hal Jordan (who still owes me for watching his shitty movie) and, with the power of his ring, takes the chicken from Patch and delivers it to me. However, when he arrives I tell him that I want him to deliver it to the Watchtower so that the Justice League may watch over it.

Have fun drifting in space Patch :P

I destroy the cell with my hands and steal the chicken from the cell. I put the chicken in a very very hidden place. I put 681263 guards to protect it. I also steal the Targo's Executive Powder for no reason and put it in the cupboard.
SERIOUSLY!? With your hands? Did you not even read about SCP-106's cell? Even creating pocket dimensions can't get you out of that thing!
I call my homeboy Hal Jordan (who still owes me for watching his shitty movie) and, with the power of his ring, takes the chicken from Patch and delivers it to me. However, when he arrives I tell him that I want him to deliver it to the Watchtower so that the Justice League may watch over it.

Have fun drifting in space Patch :P
Uses the U.S.S. Enterprise to capture the chicken then travels to the farthest reaches of space
Well I use the U.S.S Relativity to take the chicken to the future, and according to the temporal prime directive the less you know the better.
Unfortunately, you jumped to the exact moment the Reapers began attacking the galaxy, killing all of sentient lifeforms with access to the mass relays. Due to the fact Shepard didn't activate the Crucible, our cycle ends exactly like those before us, but the chicken was spared (what with being a chicken and not the sentient lifeform on its planet). The chicken begins reproducing, and after 50,000 years chickens have become smarter than the humans ever were and unlocked the knowledge of the mass relays, so inevitably the Reapers come back. Only the chickens were able to defeat the Reapers, thanks to the holotape left by Liara.

Now the chickens (and many other races throughout the galaxy) live in peace and must never fear another Reaper attack. They eventually achieve the knowledge of time travel and send one of the many descendants of the chicken Jaryeth took into the future as a scout to the past. Once in the past, which is the present to us, the chicken instinctively travels to me (much like his ancestor did when it was zombie puke) and explains its situation to me. Now me and my technologically advanced Chicken (who has an omni-tool so we can communicate with one another) hang out and play Xbox together.

While in the future, chickens become VERY technologically advanced and intelligent. They learn time travel and send the chicken Jaryeth took's descendent back in time as a scout and now me and it play Xbox together.
"those stupid chickens ruin my life" Now since future chickens are almost omnipotent when they sent that scout back in time he secretly had a ray that turns people into chickens. The only people he spared, are the people in this thread to continue on the story so they may have more chickens.

Now how will this story continue. Will we have a rebellion or create more people to populate our world? Shall the chickens manage to turn everyone into chickens and thus end the story?
The chicken is returned to the farm it was found on, the real question is to disturb such a royal animal?
the world forgot about me and my chicken leonardo, the clone of the great chickens ancestor. We have been living in secret for years after discorving the secret to imortal life! But after so long our minds have become corrupted... we wish to rule the chicken world and set up a chicken nuke, destined to destroy all chicken life except for leonardo! we set up the rocket... its launch time is 5 hours... can anybody help the chicken world?
the world forgot about me and my chicken leonardo, the clone of the great chickens ancestor. We have been living in secret for years after discorving the secret to imortal life! But after so long our minds have become corrupted... we wish to rule the chicken world and set up a chicken nuke, destined to destroy all chicken life except for leonardo! we set up the rocket... its launch time is 5 hours... can anybody help the chicken world?

Well its been over 5 hours... we didn't stop you.

The chicken world may have been destroyed, but time keeps moving forward. Eventually the universe comes to an end and time begins to repeat itself, carrying out every event that has occurred until the moment Zach planned to destroy the chicken world. This time, Optimus Prime barged into Zach's lair and shouted "NOT WHILE I STILL FUNCTION!" He then proceeded to disarm the nuke, with his superior intellect, and kick Leonardo through Zach's chest, killing them both. However, the disarming of the nuke required too much of his energon and Optimus Prime's life begins to fade. He falls to the ground, and reaching to the sun he utters, "Til all are one..."

Then Third Impact, we are all one now...

>picks up chicken while noone notices
>spawn a tardis
>get out of there
>ends universe 234323.exe via task manager

Ha! it's mine now, just try to stop me!
>universe 234323.exe is open source and hosted on github
>forks source and reads it over
>edit some stuff here and there
>modify code to rebuild universe
>also modify code to blow up existing "TARDIS" entities
>also also modify code to steal chicken
>compile code
>wait for code to compile
>wait some more
>run program

>tfw i now have the chicken
*wanders through, randomly tossing out chickens that may or may not be real, sees a chicken she didn't toss hiding under a table, picks it up, tucks it into Patchy's pocket, walks away*
After 3 millenniums of slumber, Garnox the Dread awakens and begins to ravage the world with his army of the damned.

While everyone's distracted, including Krylani, I steal the chicken and start running away like a mad man.
After 3 millenniums of slumber, Garnox the Dread awakens and begins to ravage the world with his army of the damned.

While everyone's distracted, including Krylani, I steal the chicken and start running away like a mad man.
My patch cables to my modulars trip brantbren, causing him to drop the chicken, making it land in my hand.

I take it home and pet it, and watch 12 Angry men with the chicken.