Stock Market Shenanigans

not sure if serious.....

Not serious haha. But in my economics class, the professor was running a pre-made stock market game where he designed a whole bunch of stocks, he made up news like new drug releases, etc, and at the very end of the game, he decided to crash the stock market. I had lunch with him a couple days earlier and had insider knowledge that he was going to do this, so I was the only one who sold all my stocks, thus winning the game as everyone else lost everything. He then used me as an example to discuss insider trading and why everyone should do it to become FILTHY RICH! (but not actually because it's illegal)
also, just curious, are we allowed to trade stock tips in this thread?

Of course ! Read a book, buy a hat, pet your ponykeg... do whatever it takes. You could cheat if you wanted to; but that merely defeats the purpose of learning on how stocks work. (but then again, you have to work really hard and research stocks to cheat and that also defeats the purpose of cheating.)

But then again, listening to other people's tips without fundamentally knowing what you are doing is bound to lighten your wallets. Or not...

I still find stocks less complicated than girls.
Of course ! Read a book, buy a hat, pet your ponykeg... do whatever it takes. You could cheat if you wanted to; but that merely defeats the purpose of learning on how stocks work. (but then again, you have to work really hard and research stocks to cheat and that also defeats the purpose of cheating.)

But then again, listening to other people's tips without fundamentally knowing what you are doing is bound to lighten your wallets. Or not...

I still find stocks less complicated than girls.

It's actually really simple. Mind you, this is coming from a 14 year old... But, I think I've got it figured out :) mIMO, I'm Darryl

nice, care to share your strategy.....because though my scalping strategy is profit margins are tiny....yet numerous. It really is a slow process, so I have switched to playing penny just testing the waters, I have 5,000,000 shares of PCFG that I have taken a small gamble on......sounds like a lot.....but if I am out, I am only out $1000. With the rest I have continued scalping, but again, numerous tiny profits take forever.
Doesn't matter if you sell them or not. Base value won't increase.
I'm talking about they aren't going down. I looked at the stock and they slowly increase over a long ass period of time. So I have little chance of losing money, but won't make as much because I can't keep my attention in game.
Also... My strategy? Rather simply, really. It involves penny stocks. Say you buy 30k dollars worth of T9K for $0.10 each. It increases 10 cents, thus, doubling your income. You just went 30k to 60k with just a 10 cent increase. Even a 1 cent increase would get you like, 3 thousand. Simple, really.
I'm talking about they aren't going down. I looked at the stock and they slowly increase over a long ass period of time. So I have little chance of losing money, but won't make as much because I can't keep my attention in game.

Well, I go on everyday... So I guess I can afford to do what I do :)
Also... My strategy? Rather simply, really. It involves penny stocks. Say you buy 30k dollars worth of T9K for $0.10 each. It increases 10 cents, thus, doubling your income. You just went 30k to 60k with just a 10 cent increase. Even a 1 cent increase would get you like, 3 thousand. Simple, really.
But a decrease would hurt hard.
well, I just trippled my gamble, when the market opens I will have 15m shares of pcfg which is sitting at 0.0002 per the only way to go is up....also it has been plastered across like 15 sites in the top 3 penny stocks to I did....and now I hope that $3000 + comission gamble paid off.
well, I just trippled my gamble, when the market opens I will have 15m shares of pcfg which is sitting at 0.0002 per the only way to go is up....also it has been plastered across like 15 sites in the top 3 penny stocks to I did....and now I hope that $3000 + comission gamble paid off.

Should keeped my secrt xD
you still have a huge headstart.....also I have no idea if my stock will even profit....ever.

Well I'll take a look at the chart. If it's flatlining, then it's a no go. If it's constantly moving, or just dropped ALOT, then it's a good buy.
well, I just trippled my gamble, when the market opens I will have 15m shares of pcfg which is sitting at 0.0002 per the only way to go is up....also it has been plastered across like 15 sites in the top 3 penny stocks to I did....and now I hope that $3000 + comission gamble paid off.

What is PCFG...?