Stock Market Shenanigans

My stocks have undergone a symbol change and while I had close to 15million penny stocks, the symbol change has caused a glitch that does not allow but half of my stocks to appear with half the ammount showing......been like that for over a month. and that is why I sit in last place.
My stocks have undergone a symbol change and while I had close to 15million penny stocks, the symbol change has caused a glitch that does not allow but half of my stocks to appear with half the ammount showing......been like that for over a month. and that is why I sit in last place.
I see a 'reset contest portfolio' button. Would that work, or is it disabled?
dont feel bad, I have several stocks doing well and one that had a 200% loss that not only killed my profitable stocks, but threw me 3k into the negative.
i joined for fun. we will see how my choices pan out, i bought 500 stocks in one company and 170 in another, spent about 29k.
Just wondering what everyone's overall strategy are? The biggest debate I am seeing is playing the short sell or trying to build up a decent nest of stocks what are you guys trying?
Two words: Medical Marijuana.
When I started the game, I spent all my money on it, thinking it'd be a joke and I could just bankrupt immediately. Lo and behold, the stocks went up and I made money... Shit.