Strangest thing you've eaten?

A genius concoction I made, which I dubbed True Gamerfuel. Here's how its made:

  • You take one can of normal Mountain Dew and a small bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos.
  • Put them both inside a blender and blend the fuck outta them until they turn into a nice puke colored paste.
  • Ingest and prepare for an all nighter
    • Or vomit immediately and lie in bed for the rest of the night while your friends play video games without you.
A genius concoction I made, which I dubbed True Gamerfuel. Here's how its made:

  • You take one can of normal Mountain Dew and a small bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos.
  • Put them both inside a blender and blend the fuck outta them until they turn into a nice puke colored paste.
  • Ingest and prepare for an all nighter
    • Or vomit immediately and lie in bed for the rest of the night while your friends play video games without you.
How does this become "True Gamerfuel"...? It's not any different from drinking Mountain Dew and eating Doritos, except now it's digested before you eat it.
So many people here who tried eating dog / cat food. I've tried dried cat food multiple times. Such a good salty snack.
Meh I'm at a loss on this one, I've made a lot of strange food mixes and I've eaten at several exotic diners. Lots of raw stuff from sushi places to calamari from old italian restaurant workplace.
pie isn't strange though o-O
How about schnitzel
Rocky Mountain Oysters. I had a bite...tastes like beef.

Raw shrimp drowned in hot alcohol...tastes like shrimp smothered in alcohol.

Poisonous snake...tastes like...snake. It was chicken-esque but it was definitely it's own meat.

Fried crickets...taste like crunchy goop. They are crunchy...then goopy...another unique flavor.

Raw chicken...I wanted to know what it was like...was nothing special.

I know there are more but I can't think of them right now...

Indian food in Paris France...that was a mistake.

Edit: Blood sausage...I don't remember what kind of blood, but as it was at culinary school, it was probably pig or cow.

Edit 2: Bulls heart...

Edit 3: Fish eyes...
Pork blood. One of the delicacies of Filipino cuisine (and it actually tastes good when you get used to it).
Calamari, when I was a kid. Tasted amazing, glad I wasn't told what it was until after I ate it.

Better than the square/rectangular ones with sharp edges.

don't ever come with us to pax east. we eat so much calamari.

or do

more calamari for me