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StTheo's Vanilla Server

Got any proof for that if i may be so bold to ask.

Wertlaw or whatever his name is (owner of Vilagetown) griefed Camden with lava then made his own town. Pretty sure he's underage as well, and 95% sure he has xray hack





/repair seems to be broken; when i tried to use it to repair my unbreaking III diamond pickaxe, i got this:

You do not have access to that command.

Just throwing this out there.
Wrong "/repair". Use either "/repair cheap" or "/repair full". I do need to make "/repair" make that more clear.
it was awesome seeing everyone again but I don't think I can play much with the amount of lag i have (toaster is .... melting)
It applies to private messages as well as global chat. Also, to anyone using player heads to make effigies of people you dislike: quit it. If someone has done something you dislike in the server, bring it to my attention. If someone does something you dislike outside of my server, keep the matter outside of my server.