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T9K reunion server

Size? As in, about 16x16? Spawn doesn't need to be big or impressive. Just functional. Small and simple room with the rules. Maybe a quiz of some sort underground. Door to the outside world. Protected land around to keep the griefers out of initial sight and make it harder to dig a complete death trench (situation to be monitored and controlled by admins).
Size? As in, about 16x16? Spawn doesn't need to be big or impressive. Just functional. Small and simple room with the rules. Maybe a quiz of some sort underground. Door to the outside world. Protected land around to keep the griefers out of initial sight and make it harder to dig a complete death trench (situation to be monitored and controlled by admins).
I may just be shallow, but an intricate spawn makes me all the more enticed to look around a bit more.
In my experience, there is somewhat of a curve. Too much is just as detrimental as too little. A happy medium would do well.
The curve exists where I can't get out of spawn due to:
A: Complexity
B: Lag.

If we can get a nice medium while avoiding problems such as these, we'd have a nice spawn.
Size? As in, about 16x16? Spawn doesn't need to be big or impressive. Just functional. Small and simple room with the rules. Maybe a quiz of some sort underground. Door to the outside world. Protected land around to keep the griefers out of initial sight and make it harder to dig a complete death trench (situation to be monitored and controlled by admins).
I agree with this: spawn should be functional purely. It should contain, in some form, all the server's documentation, whether it exists in-game only, or on a webpage the spawn directs users to. I encourage the use of subtitles and invisible horse nameplates to increase readability and noticability of key subjects such as rules. Spawn ought to serve also as a refuge from grief and combat. It should also include any desired multiverse portals or other non-vanilla administrative items.
I agree with this: spawn should be functional purely. It should contain, in some form, all the server's documentation, whether it exists in-game only, or on a webpage the spawn directs users to. I encourage the use of subtitles and invisible horse nameplates to increase readability and noticability of key subjects such as rules. Spawn ought to serve also as a refuge from grief and combat. It should also include any desired multiverse portals or other non-vanilla administrative items.
Bearing in mind spawn doesn't have to be PURELY functional. Just not intricate, complicated, or overly decorative. There's a balance to be kept.
Bearing in mind spawn doesn't have to be PURELY functional. Just not intricate, complicated, or overly decorative. There's a balance to be kept.
I agree, though I prefer most things to be built in survival. If we adopt a model in which there is a main city, something along the lines of Minetopia, perhaps the spawn could be placed on its outskirts. A spawn built mostly in survival with the exception of administrative items is very impressive. However, this may compromise the initial filtering of players: in order to enter Minetopia, players needed to walk a considerable distance.
My favorite world didn't have a spawn building, and it worked out just fine.

Jus' sayin

Beta 1.8-1.9? Yeah I guess you don't need a spawn building if you have no rules (rules that aren't enforced may as well not exist, right?) :)

When I connect to a server with nothing man-made within sight of spawn, I assume something must be broken!
Beta 1.8-1.9? Yeah I guess you don't need a spawn building if you have no rules (rules that aren't enforced may as well not exist, right?) :)

When I connect to a server with nothing man-made within sight of spawn, I assume something must be broken!
I assume it's intentional. Especially if I can't break blocks within a few dozen blocks.

Besides, nobody is saying NO spawn building...just really simplified.
I like Chiba's idea. Maybe a little tower/lookout point, a quiz below ground, and a main entrance with whatever shop stuff we end up needing.
Just realized that, except for the lookout, I pretty much described the 1.0 spawn. Rest in piece you glorious tower, and may no nether portals accidentally pop up inside where you once stood.
I haven't played minecraft in ages (last time was back when the old server shut down), but I might go and run the 30 something updates so I can have a look at this.