Tacoism | The best religion ever.


The Taco's Prayer
Our Taco in the Sky,
hallowed be your shell.
Your cheese and sauces come,
your beans be done,
on the shell, as it is in the recipe.
Give us this day our daily Taco,
and forgive us our non-Taco food items we have ingested,
as we also have forgiven our brothers in Tacoism who have ingested non-Taco food items.
And lead us not into bad taste,
but deliver us from bananas.

For thine is the Taco, and the Burrito, and the Salsa, for ever and ever. Amen.

Taco be with you.​


The Taco's Prayer
Our Taco in the Sky,
hallowed be your shell.
Your cheese and sauces come,
your beans be done,
on the shell, as it is in the recipe.
Give us this day our daily Taco,
and forgive us our non-Taco food items we have ingested,
as we also have forgiven our brothers in Tacoism who have ingested non-Taco food items.
And lead us not into bad taste,
but deliver us from bananas.

For thine is the Taco, and the Burrito, and the Salsa, for ever and ever. Amen.

Taco be with you.​
That's just a rip-off of this:
I hath developed a prayer:


Our taco, who art in salsa
Mellowed be thy crisp.
Thy cheesy yum
Thy grilled meat fun
As tasty as it is in nachos.
Give us this day our daily lunch
And lettuce not into the cream
But deliver us guacamole.
Eloi, eloi, tacosambasalsagordita!
If I remove my image dump, do I get back in heaven?
(Personally I think we should keep the North Korea target one, but whatever.)
Do I at least get to be an Elder for this