Team9000 Vehicle thread

Pssh.. Same stuff lol :P


That's what I think when you say that.
I'm 6'1", and I could never find a comfortable way to sit in this. Was i doing it wrong?
It depends. How used to sitting in awkward positions waaaaay too small for you are you? I found the Elantra rather roomy, tbh.
I know mine is; I can literally sink deep into the seat and still have leg room
The accent isn't as comfortable - but again, I take fuel efficiency over a few inches any day.

Besides, unless I'm in a truck, my knee hits the steering wheel on just about anything. One bruised knee is much the same as the next.
The accent isn't as comfortable - but again, I take fuel efficiency over a few inches any day.

Besides, unless I'm in a truck, my knee hits the steering wheel on just about anything. One bruised knee is much the same as the next.

I don't blame you; fuel is king. I find myself at the pump every 2 weeks or so; I like to make it last as much as possible
I don't blame you; fuel is king. I find myself at the pump every 2 weeks or so; I like to make it last as much as possible
Unless I'm on one of my long-hauls (the 550km ones), I won't let my tank dip below half; and I fill up at the end of the long-hauls too. It's better on the engine and fuel line. Besides, that gives me the freedom to wait an extra day for the prices to go down 3 cents a liter, rather than having to fill up at whatever prices are there.
I'm 6'1", and I could never find a comfortable way to sit in this. Was i doing it wrong?
I'm 5'9" and I fit quite good in both an Accent (been in a '99, '05 and a '11) as well as in a Rio5 (been in an '08 and '12).
One of my brothers, who's also 6'1", fits well on the passenger side of either car.. Though, there are obviously no pedals or steering wheel to obstruct him :P

That much.
I find it very similar to my brother's '05 Accent tbh. Only difference is the interior and exterior.. I haven't seen a tag anywhere where it only says Kia.. Mainly all Hyundai.

I don't blame you; fuel is king. I find myself at the pump every 2 weeks or so; I like to make it last as much as possible

Yep.. Fuel is definetly king when prices are between 1.38$ and 1.49$/L.. Rarely (and I emphasize) do we see it go lower than that. Living in a big city with traffic everywhere during rush hour, I think it best to not waste all that gas.
I'm 5'9" and I fit quite good in both an Accent (been in a '99, '05 and a '11) as well as in a Rio5 (been in an '08 and '12).
One of my brothers, who's also 6'1", fits well on the passenger side of either car.. Though, there are obviously no pedals or steering wheel to obstruct him :P

I find it very similar to my brother's '05 Accent tbh. Only difference is the interior and exterior.. I haven't seen a tag anywhere where it only says Kia.. Mainly all Hyundai.

Yep.. Fuel is definetly king when prices are between 1.38$ and 1.49$/L.. Rarely (and I emphasize) do we see it go lower than that. Living in a big city with traffic everywhere during rush hour, I think it best to not waste all that gas.
My jaw literally fell when I read this.

Then I remembered you live out East. I saw $1.03/L on Wednesday last week. :D 'Berta. Fuck Yeah.
all this talk of hyundai's and kia's makes me want to see cashams e30 m3 again, to get the topic back on proper cars ;D
I prefer saving money on fixing my car twice a week than gas mileage.
I prefer mileage to letting mechanics rip me off when I'm perfectly capable of fixing my own car - once every two months when I do an oil change, I also do a tune-up. I've spent less than $500 repairing my car in the last two years. I feel sorry for anyone who pays someone else to fix something as simple as an engine.