TF2 Load-outs

You know, you should leave this thread 'till you understand the nitty-gitty.

Juss' sayin'.

...In other news

Here's to all the times I've shot Chiba in the crotch on a Sniper map.
@1 it is supah beastly in mvm, when you fully level your metal capacity and the firing rate.
@3 i run out of ammo in no-time :c
@6 meh.... i dont like the Diamondback. I like the ambassador better, crits for headshots > crits for sapping, imo.
@7 the quick-fix is pretty useful, but the kritzkrieg is better, i think. It heals pretty damn fast too, and it has overheal, and crits are awesome.

Old comment to reply to, but no fucks given.

I can't tell you how many CP games on dustbowl we've won in the last minute because of the quick-fix's ubercharge rate.
ignoring vorsporng. But my question is, how do u get nametags??? @_o

Anyway, you get nametags from buying them...either for real money at the store, or with metal, from people who bought them with real money at the store.

Also, what I told you just now, you could have figured out a long time ago, by simply googling "Nametag TeamFortress 2"

Anyway, you get nametags from buying them...either for real money at the store, or with metal, from people who bought them with real money at the store.

Also, what I told you just now, you could have figured out a long time ago, by simply googling "Nametag Teamfortress 2"
shut up. I don't use google. :alien:

Anyway, you get nametags from buying them...either for real money at the store, or with metal, from people who bought them with real money at the store.

Also, what I told you just now, you could have figured out a long time ago, by simply googling "Nametag TeamFortress 2"
You can find them too.
ignoring vorsporng. But my question is, how do u get nametags??? @_o
Also, don't ignore me.

You are asking infantile, easily solved questions that are polluting this thread and can be easily solved by either
1: A quick Google search,
2: Looking on the official TF2 Wiki,
3: Not being an idiot.


If you want the full blah-de-blah on Name Tags, here you are:

Name Tags are tools that can be applied to most items. They can be used only once. As it can be inferred, they change the name of an item from its usual name to whatever you want. A custom name will be signified by double quotation marks (" and ").

Any prefixes the item has will be removed when the Name Tag is used (e.g. Vintage, Genuine, Unusual, Community, etc.) When used on a Strange weapon, beneath the custom name, it will depict the original name of the weapon plus whatever Strange title the weapon would have due to the amount of kills / Ubers / etc. it has on it.

You can name Stock weapons with Name Tags. If this happens, a version of the stock weapon will appear in your backpack in Unique (yellow) quality. This is largely a waste of a Name Tag, however, so I recommend against this.

Customized names have an absolute limit of 40 characters.

Find what? The answer I gave him? Obviously I can do that, since I already answered it. I'm not sure what your point is.
No, he means that Name Tags can be "found" via the drop system.
That is, they drop like items, albeit far less often.

They drop at about the same rate as hats; that is, not very often.

For instance, I found one whilst playing with Shep, David and Moleman on Tuesday.

I then proceeded to name my Strange Grenade Launcher this:
I'd like to know what everyone thinks of my market gardeners name, and I'd highly appreciate anyone who at least attempts to give me a better one.
I'd like to know what everyone thinks of my market gardeners name, and I'd highly appreciate anyone who at least attempts to give me a better one.

"Orbital Friendship Shovel"
-Or spade, or something to describe a shovel.I'll come up with a few more and edit this post later.

"Airbituary" (Portmanteaus are fun)

"Soldier Eclipse"
Description idea: "Oh hey, the moon's blocking out the sun agai-OH GOD IT'S ACTUALLY A SOLDIER" (Or something like that.)

I'll edit more in later.
No, he means that Name Tags can be "found" via the drop system.
That is, they drop like items, albeit far less often.

They drop at about the same rate as hats; that is, not very often.

For instance, I found one whilst playing with Shep, David and Moleman on Tuesday.

I then proceeded to name my Strange Grenade Launcher this:
View attachment 133663
If you noticed, I deleted that post before you even responded, because I had already realized the context.
I'd like to know what everyone thinks of my market gardeners name, and I'd highly appreciate anyone who at least attempts to give me a better one.
"The World" - "It's fine and dandy until it comes crashing down on you."
"SHEENG!!!" - "*sparklesparkle*"
"Orbital Friendship Shovel"
-Or spade, or something to describe a shovel.I'll come up with a few more and edit this post later.

"Airbituary" (Portmanteaus are fun)

"Soldier Eclipse"
Description idea: "Oh hey, the moon's blocking out the sun agai-OH GOD IT'S ACTUALLY A SOLDIER" (Or something like that.)

I'll edit more in later.

I'm really liking the Soldier Eclipse one, that just might be it.
"Airbiturary" [or "Aerobituary"... what, too soon?] was nice.

"Soldier Eclipse" is pretty damned good. Maybe genius, even.
"The Flying Fuck" works just as well. Might be made unoriginal, though, by others with this weapon and similar ones.