TF2 Load-outs

I need a good Spy load-out. Recommendations, anyone?
Get a ton of spy weapons, try them all out in different combinations on different maps. Your loadout will create itself.

EDIT: I use most spy weapons, but when I'm serious I user Ambassador + stock knife + DR + stock sapper.
I need a good Spy load-out. Recommendations, anyone?
Spy is a class that is centered on your opinion. I prefer using:
Stock watch
Connivers kunai

A set that focuses and depends on quick kills to escape: CK to get by without needing healthpacks and letranger for cloak.

Dead ringer
Stock knife
Snapper or Red tape

This set is hated b y Zen :3 Practically just wander and use the DR if necessary.
Get a ton of spy weapons, try them all out in different combinations on different maps. Your loadout will create itself.
I feel like I'm the only Spy on the planet who uses the Diamondback as their main revolver. :S I'm a terrible shot with the Ambassador, and I'm not a fan of the Dead Ringer, so L'etranger is a bit of a waste.
I feel like I'm the only Spy on the planet who uses the Diamondback as their main revolver. :S I'm a terrible shot with the Ambassador, and I'm not a fan of the Dead Ringer, so L'etranger is a bit of a waste.
I actually like the Diamondback as well, especially on maps like Hightower when I have more chances to sap mini sentries than to shoot people. It looks really fun, and has a really great mechanic, although it is (extremely) situational.
Cloak and Dagger
You Eternal Reward
Red tape

This set lets me move across the entire map cloaked, and makes it great for slipping past enemies
Spy is a class that is centered on your opinion. I prefer using:
Stock watch
Connivers kunai

A set that focuses and depends on quick kills to escape: CK to get by without needing healthpacks and letranger for cloak.

Dead ringer
Stock knife
Snapper or Red tape

This set is hated b y Zen :3 Practically just wander and use the DR if necessary.
WAIT, you actually HAVE a different spy loadout that you "prefer" using?


...I'm flattered.
So I have a name tag too, I wanted to save it and use it on my best strange weapon, which is a Huntsman. I fail at finding names for weapons in english...
Does anyone have any ideas ? a sexy name for a strange Huntsman?
(it has almost 300 kills at the moment)
How about the "Go And Score Some Blow And Arrow"?
I need a good Spy load-out. Recommendations, anyone?
I personally use Stock, but I use the Dead Ringer instead of the Normal watch.
How about the "Go And Score Some Blow And Arrow"?

I personally use Stock, but I use the Dead Ringer instead of the Normal watch.

Ever since I got the Dead Ringer, I've been having trouble using it (mainly because I don't know how it works). I prefer Cloak and Dagger over any of those. I just need one to try out, see how well it works out, and see if I can utilize enough so that it's a killer.
Ever since I got the Dead Ringer, I've been having trouble using it (mainly because I don't know how it works). I prefer Cloak and Dagger over any of those. I just need one to try out, see how well it works out, and see if I can utilize enough so that it's a killer.
The mechanics of the Dead Ringer is to sacrifice cloak for the ability to feign death. So for instance if I put up the dead ringer as I got mowed down by a minigun, it would look like I'm dead. You take MUCH less damage when the ringer is activated in cloak form and your silhouette doesn't show when you bump.
Cons to this is that the longer it takes to decloak, it makes a very loud noise. Your only worries is fire from there and bodily fluids.
Note about the DR: If you're certain that you're about to be lit on fire, let yourself get lit on fire before you escape. Activating the DR will feign your death, and will remove the flames from your actual body.

Also, if you're sapping an engineer's building, and he shoots you, activating the DR, use your nearly-godmode form to prevent him from removing your sapper.
The Dead Ringer is great.

It combines all the advantages of being able to cloak,
With the ability to survive fatal hits and ignore 90% of all taken damage,
Whilst giving you a much better cloak than the standard Invis Watch,
And fooling the enemy into thinking you're dead.

Seriously, it's great.

In fact, I'd argue that it's true value lies less in its use as a cloak and more in its use as a survival tool. Having it there means that if, say, you're ping'd by a keen Sniper, ambushed by a Heavy, trapped by a Demo, or just utterly left buttfucked by any other means, you can be left safe. It's an insurance policy.

More than that, it means that you can just run into the middle of battle, get activated (looks like you've been killed), sneak around behind enemy lines, and do a good ol' stabbing spree.

It's the best watch.

That or the Invis Watch are the best watches, IMO.
All of the above advice is great, especially Ustulo's.

Note, however, if you end up being one of those "I'll just walk around with my DR ready, get shot, fake obvious death, run off and hide somewhere" (David) spies, know the map. Ammo packs recharge your cloak and are usually near health packs, so know their locations when you deadring.

Also, ignore the above comments about tricking people into thinking you're dead. No competent player is fooled by a DR, unless it's a very clever activation that makes it look like you died from afterburn. (Very rare) Even then, do NOT uncloak near any hostile player, you WILL be heard unless that person has their sound off or they're blasting dubstep into their ears with headphones. It's not a "fake my death and make it believable" device, it's life insurance. Use it accordingly.
All of the above advice is great, especially Ustulo's.

Note, however, if you end up being one of those "I'll just walk around with my DR ready, get shot, fake obvious death, run off and hide somewhere" (David) spies, know the map. Ammo packs recharge your cloak and are usually near health packs, so know their locations when you deadring.

Also, ignore the above comments about tricking people into thinking you're dead. No competent player is fooled by a DR, unless it's a very clever activation that makes it look like you died from afterburn. (Very rare) Even then, do NOT uncloak near any hostile player, you WILL be heard unless that person has their sound off or they're blasting dubstep into their ears with headphones. It's not a "fake my death and make it believable" device, it's life insurance. Use it accordingly.
Couldn't have said it better myself. However, Zen, even you have to agree that a Spy with the Kunai is by far the hardest DR to detect due to the lowered life.

Personally, I stick with the Cloak and Dagger. To me, spy is all about timing, not "run and get as many backstabs as you can before you die". With the C&D, you can take your time and wait for the opportune moment to pick off weakened targets with the revolver, sap a building, or backstab a couple of fools. As an unknown bonus, you have more freedom to escape. The other watches can be refilled with ammo, so most people instantly unload towards the nearest ammo box, but the C&D can't be recharged except by standing still while cloaked or not being cloaked at all. This means you can dive for another area, stand still, and no one will know.
"Orbital Friendship Shovel"
-Or spade, or something to describe a shovel.I'll come up with a few more and edit this post later.

"Airbituary" (Portmanteaus are fun)

"Soldier Eclipse"
Description idea: "Oh hey, the moon's blocking out the sun agai-OH GOD IT'S ACTUALLY A SOLDIER" (Or something like that.)

I'll edit more in later.

It has been decided.
