The Elder Scrolls Online

They have already stated there won't be required subs. When the game comes out, it will be relesased to the masses, and the money they make on selling the game alone goes straight back to the game since they already paid for it to be made and don't have publishers trying to cash grab it all.

Also, Elder Scrolls is simply adopting an older sub model, since people seem really turned off by the pay to win models out there. Most older MMOs did the same thing when they initially came out. Not saying this is the best way to go, but I am sure they have had plenty of professionals calculate which model would rake in the most money for them. While you may not pay it, they know most people will.
I actually liked runescapes model more than any other. You paid for members and had access to much larger portion of the game, you still have an equal playing field with everyone else no matter what, even if you go onto a f2p world.
i love the idea of a monthly sub. keeps all the little kids out.

Btw what if Star citizen has a monthly sub? they've never said how they'll pay for that game to run. has to be a sub or microtransactions. not going to play it either?

I believe it was already announced there won't be one for SC.

And I will probably be getting it and playing a Nord DPS Templar. Haven't decided which DPS spec. though.
Every game has to pay the monthly bills and payroll somehow. SC will be no different than ESO. they'll have microtransactions or a sub to pay them.
Every game has to pay the monthly bills and payroll somehow. SC will be no different than ESO. they'll have microtransactions or a sub to pay them.
They will have a limited amount of UEC you can buy every 24 hours, but most of their money they make from the game sales would turn around and go right back to the game. They have over $40 million, I guarantee if they invested a large chunk of that, or a large chunk from game sales, they could finance the game off the interest for years before they ran out of money. Maybe. Their business model is different than any other gaming company out there, so it is hard to tell for sure until they announce more details, but they have ruled out almost all micro transactions and all subs besides the already available subs that give you more stuff in real life.
I'd bet they use microtransactions to sell all those ship modifications they are talking about. They've already said if a player created a mod of any kind that they feel is good enough for the game they'll sell it and the player will get a percentage of the sale just like Sony does with Planetside 2.

But back to ESO. I'll be in the game under my usual name if anyone else decides to play. I have the Imperial Edition so I'll be in 5 days early.
I will likely buy ESO but i would rather have no monthly fee. At least it is not pay2win and it not being f2p makes it less appealing to trolls
Does anyone know if guilds can be formed across factions? I want to know if a T9K guild is feasible, or the scattering across factions will make us too separated to make one.
Thanks, that makes it feasible, and we'll probably have a majority vote on the faction we support, or remain neutral.

On that topic, does anyone want to head up said guild? I'm interested in doing if no one wants to step up.
I could not start up the guild. in that same month i have my birthday and my uncle's wedding so i'll be pretty busy If anyone wants to know my main will probaly be a high elf or a wood elf. i like the aldmeri dominion
Download 25+GB in prep for the ESO early access.
Start up 2 hrs before launch time
Here's 5GB more download
Screw you Bethseda
Download 25+GB in prep for the ESO early access.
Start up 2 hrs before launch time
Here's 5GB more download
Screw you Bethseda
After hearing about titfanfall and seeing this I wonder when video games will be so large I'll need an entire seperate hard drive just to save it..
So I've set up a guild for T9K called "The Nine Thousand" (cause you aren't allowed numbers).
If you want to join just post you ingame name and faction.
The game still sucks, going "buy-to-play" doesn't really change my mind concerning whether it should be played or not.